
XbimIdentity - the Ruby gem for the Xbim Flex Identity API 2.0

Communication centralised around construction data

This SDK is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: 2.0
  • Package version: 1.0.0
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.RubyClientCodegen For more information, please visit https://xbim.net


Build a gem

To build the Ruby code into a gem:

gem build xbim_identity.gemspec

Then either install the gem locally:

gem install ./xbim_identity-1.0.0.gem

(for development, run gem install --dev ./xbim_identity-1.0.0.gem to install the development dependencies)

or publish the gem to a gem hosting service, e.g. RubyGems.

Finally add this to the Gemfile:

gem 'xbim_identity', '~> 1.0.0'

Install from Git

If the Ruby gem is hosted at a git repository: https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID, then add the following in the Gemfile:

gem 'xbim_identity', :git => 'https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID.git'

Include the Ruby code directly

Include the Ruby code directly using -I as follows:

ruby -Ilib script.rb

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following code:

# Load the gem
require 'xbim_identity'

api_instance = XbimIdentity::AuthenticationApi.new
client_id = 'client_id_example' # String | Client ID
client_secret = 'client_secret_example' # String | Client secret (password)
grant_type = 'grant_type_example' # String | Grant type must be 'master'
scope = 'scope_example' # String | Required API scopes
opts = {
  user_id: 'user_id_example', # String | Xbim Flex user ID
  idp_id: 'idp_id_example' # String | External identity provider user ID

  #Post Authentication get authorization token
  result = api_instance.get_authorization_token(client_id, client_secret, grant_type, scope, opts)
  p result
rescue XbimIdentity::ApiError => e
  puts "Exception when calling AuthenticationApi->get_authorization_token: #{e}"

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to https://apis.xbim-dev.net

Class Method HTTP request Description
XbimIdentity::AuthenticationApi get_authorization_token POST /id/2.0/tokens Post Authentication get authorization token
XbimIdentity::ClientApplicationsApi id20_client_applications_client_id_endpoints_get GET /id/2.0/ClientApplications('clientId')/Endpoints Gets Endpointsfor the given client
XbimIdentity::ClientApplicationsApi id20_client_applications_client_id_endpoints_post POST /id/2.0/ClientApplications('clientId')/Endpoints Adds an Endpoints to the given client
XbimIdentity::ClientApplicationsApi id20_client_applications_client_id_get GET /id/2.0/ClientApplications('clientId') Gets the specified Client Application by its client id
XbimIdentity::ClientApplicationsApi id20_client_applications_get GET /id/2.0/ClientApplications Operations to query a set of data
XbimIdentity::InvitationsApi id20_tenants_tenant_id_invitations_get GET /id/2.0/Tenants(tenantId)/Invitations Operations to query the invitations
XbimIdentity::InvitationsApi id20_tenants_tenant_id_invitations_invitation_id_despatch_post POST /id/2.0/Tenants(tenantId)/Invitations(invitationId)/Despatch Sends or Resends an Invitation Email.
XbimIdentity::InvitationsApi id20_tenants_tenant_id_invitations_invitation_id_get GET /id/2.0/Tenants(tenantId)/Invitations(invitationId) Gets the specified Invitation by its key
XbimIdentity::InvitationsApi id20_tenants_tenant_id_invitations_invitation_id_patch PATCH /id/2.0/Tenants(tenantId)/Invitations(invitationId) Amend an existing invitation and send an email
XbimIdentity::InvitationsApi id20_tenants_tenant_id_invitations_invitation_id_revoke_post POST /id/2.0/Tenants(tenantId)/Invitations(invitationId)/Revoke Revokes an Invitation.
XbimIdentity::InvitationsApi id20_tenants_tenant_id_invitations_post POST /id/2.0/Tenants(tenantId)/Invitations Creates a new Invitation. The Invitation will only be sent if 'DraftOnly' is false
XbimIdentity::MeApi id20_me_get GET /id/2.0/Me Gets details of the current logged in user
XbimIdentity::MeApi id20_me_regions_get GET /id/2.0/Me/Regions Gets a list of regions where current user has access to any tenancy (workspace)
XbimIdentity::MembersApi id20_tenants_tenant_id_members_get GET /id/2.0/Tenants(tenantId)/Members Team members
XbimIdentity::MembersApi id20_tenants_tenant_id_members_post POST /id/2.0/Tenants(tenantId)/Members Creates a new Team member adding an existing user to the tenant
XbimIdentity::MembersApi id20_tenants_tenant_id_members_user_id_delete DELETE /id/2.0/Tenants(tenantId)/Members(userId) Revokes a user from this Tenant. Requires the Administrator Tenant Role
XbimIdentity::MembersApi id20_tenants_tenant_id_members_user_id_get GET /id/2.0/Tenants(tenantId)/Members(userId) Gets the specified Tenant Member by their userId
XbimIdentity::MembersApi id20_tenants_tenant_id_members_user_id_patch PATCH /id/2.0/Tenants(tenantId)/Members(userId) Amend an existing team member's team details
XbimIdentity::RegistrationApi id20_registration_acceptinvitation_post POST /id/2.0/registration/acceptinvitation Accepts a user's invitation to join a Tenant
XbimIdentity::TenantsApi get_tenant_by_identifier GET /id/2.0/Tenants/GetById(identifier='identifier') Gets the specified Tenant by its unique identifier
XbimIdentity::TenantsApi id20_tenants_demo_get GET /id/2.0/Tenants/Demo Registers user in the 'Demo' tenancy
XbimIdentity::TenantsApi id20_tenants_demo_tenant_id_get GET /id/2.0/Tenants/DemoTenantId Gets publickly known demo tenant id
XbimIdentity::TenantsApi id20_tenants_get GET /id/2.0/Tenants Operations to query a set of data
XbimIdentity::TenantsApi id20_tenants_is_identifier_available_idid_get GET /id/2.0/Tenants/IsIdentifierAvailable(id='id') Checks the availability of a Tenant identifier
XbimIdentity::TenantsApi id20_tenants_post POST /id/2.0/Tenants Creates a new Tenant for the current user
XbimIdentity::TenantsApi id20_tenants_tenant_id_delete DELETE /id/2.0/Tenants(tenantId) Delete the tenant
XbimIdentity::TenantsApi id20_tenants_tenant_id_get GET /id/2.0/Tenants(tenantId) Gets the specified Tenant by its key
XbimIdentity::TenantsApi id20_tenants_tenant_id_patch PATCH /id/2.0/Tenants(tenantId) Patch tenant
XbimIdentity::TenantsApi id20_tenants_tenant_id_subscription_get GET /id/2.0/Tenants(tenantId)/Subscription Gets Tenant Subscription Plans
XbimIdentity::UsersApi id20_users_get GET /id/2.0/Users Get Users
XbimIdentity::UsersApi id20_users_get_by_external_id_external_idexternal_id_get GET /id/2.0/Users/GetByExternalId(externalId='externalId') Gets the specified User by their key
XbimIdentity::UsersApi id20_users_post POST /id/2.0/Users Post Users
XbimIdentity::UsersApi id20_users_user_id_get GET /id/2.0/Users(userId) Gets the specified User by their key

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization
