Xass extends Rails with namespacing CSS classes in Sass.


Xass version Supported Sass version
0.3.0 3.4.7
0.2.0 3.2.19


We suppose you use Rails with sass-rails.


gem 'xass'


Namespacing by directory tree

// /app/assets/stylesheets/application.sass

@import ./main/**/*
// /app/assets/stylesheets/main/hoge/piyo/fuga.sass

  width: 100px

This emits the following css (notice that there are three underscores before hogehoge.)

.hoge__piyo__fuga___hogehoge {
  width: 100px;

In view, use helpers or ns prefixed class names to apply the style.

-# /app/views/someview.html.haml

= namespace :hoge, :piyo, :fuga do
  -# or %div{ class: ns(:hogehoge) }

This emits

<div class="hoge__piyo__fuga___hogehoge"></div>

As matter of course, namespace can be nested as follows.

-# /app/views/someview.html.haml

= namespace :hoge do
  = namespace :piyo do
    = namespace :fuga do

If you don't want to dig namespaces, you can specify namespaces directly in ns prefixed class name.

= namespace :hoge do

Special class name root

You can use root class for specify a root class name.

// /app/assets/stylesheets/main/hoge/piyo/fuga.sass

  width: 10px

This emits

.hoge__piyo__fuga {
  width: 10px;


-# /app/views/someview.html.haml

= namespace :hoge, :piyo, :fuga do
  -# or %div{ class: nsr }

This emits

<div class="hoge__piyo__fuga"></div>

Abbreviately, you can write this as follows.

-# /app/views/someview.html.haml

= namespace_with_root :hoge, :piyo, :fuga

Disable namespacing

You can use _ prefix to disable namespacing.

// /app/assets/stylesheets/application.sass

@import ./main/**/*
// /app/assets/stylesheets/main/hoge/piyo/fuga.sass

  background-color: black

This emits the following css.

.current {
  background-color: black;

Reset current namespace

In partial, you may want to reset current namespace. namespace! and namespace_with_root! do this.

-# /app/views/someview.html.haml

= namespace_with_root :hoge, :piyo, :fuga do
  = render partial: 'partial'
-# /app/views/_partial.html.haml

= namespace_with_root! :foo do

This emits

<div class="hoge__piyo__fuga">
  <div class="foo">


The following aliases are available.

alias :dns :namespace
alias :dns! :namespace!
alias :dnsr :namespace_with_root
alias :dnsr! :namespace_with_root!