Xasin's simplifying Telegram gem

This gem is mainly meant for personal use. Many of the existing Ruby gems for Telegram have all the functionality you want, but also require a fairly complex setup, and good knowledge of the Telegram API.

My gem doesn't include all functionality, but aims to provide a somewhat simpler interface of interaction with a small number (or just a single) of users. I mainly use it for my own smart home system, to easily send and receive messages, but not much more.

MQTT-Mode (Preferred)

The main mode of using this gem would be via the MQTT Adapter system. It translates a lot of commonly used functionality into an asynchronous MQTT API, allowing other parts of your code, but also embedded devices like ESPs to very easily interface with the Telegram bot.

Note: A MQTT server is not needed! The "virtual" MQTT Server MQTT::Testing::SubHandler can be used too!

Setting up the system is fairly easy:

require 'xasin/telegram.rb'
require 'xasin/telegram/MQTT_Adapter.rb'

# Create the HTTP core, which will handle all the communication to the REST api
httpCore = Xasin::Telegram::HTTPCore.new(APIKEY);

# Now create the MQTT interface.
mqttAdapter = Xasin::Telegram::MQTT::Server.new(httpCore, mqtt);

This exposes the Telegram Bot's interface functions to the "Telegram/#" tree.

Incoming messages will be published to

Single-User mode

Another way to use the HTTP-Core is by only looking at a single user. It discards messages of all users except one, and provides a simple "send" and "on_message" interface:

require 'xasin/telegram.rb'

# The HTTP "core" handles sending raw commands and getting updates, but not much more.
httpCore = Xasin::Telegram::HTTPCore.new(APIKEY);

# The SingleUser class handles the aforementioned sending/receiving of messages.
# Its first argument is the Chat-ID it should use, which is NOT the user ID
# To find it out you have to perform an update request to the Telegram API, send a message to your bot,
# and get the Chat_ID from there.
# I'm working on a better way >.>
singleUser = Xasin::Telegram::SingleUser.new(CHAT_ID, httpCore);

# From then, using the user is simple. Only text is required!
returned_id = singleUser.send_message(TEXT, **args);

# The ID that is returned can then be used to edit or delete the message:
singleUser.edit_message(returned_id, NEW_TEXT);

# And to receive messages:
singleUser.on_message do |message|
    # Fetch the text from the message first!
    text = message[:text];