Xasin's simplifying Telegram gem

This gem is mainly meant for personal use. Many of the existing Ruby gems for Telegram have all the functionality you want, but also require a fairly complex setup, and good knowledge of the Telegram API.

My gem doesn't include all functionality, but aims to provide a somewhat simpler interface of interaction with a small number (or just a single) of users. I mainly use it for my own smart home system, to easily send and receive messages, but not much more.

Single-User mode

The main element of this gem is the single user mode. It discards messages of all users except one, and provides a simple "send" and "on_message" interface:

require 'xasin/telegram.rb'

# The HTTP "core" handles sending raw commands and getting updates, but not much more.
httpCore = Xasin::Telegram::HTTPCore.new(APIKEY);

# The SingleUser class handles the aforementioned sending/receiving of messages.
# Its first argument is the Chat-ID it should use, which is NOT the user ID
# To find it out you have to perform an update request to the Telegram API, send a message to your bot,
# and get the Chat_ID from there.
# I'm working on a better way >.>
singleUser = Xasin::Telegram::SingleUser.new(CHAT_ID, httpCore);

# From then, using the user is simple. Only text is required!
returned_id = singleUser.send_message(TEXT, **args);

# The ID that is returned can then be used to edit or delete the message:
singleUser.edit_message(returned_id, NEW_TEXT);

# And to receive messages:
singleUser.on_message do |message|
    # Fetch the text from the message first!
    text = message[:text];