This is the Ruby version of the Xapo's Widget Tools. These tools allow you (Third Party Application, TPA) to easily embed tools like Payments Buttons, Donation Buttons and other kind of widgets as DIV or iFrame into your web application using your language of choice. In this way, tedious details like encryption and HTML snippet generation are handled for you in a simple and transparent way.


Table of Contents


Ensure that tests pass:

$ rake test 

Build the gem (output to ./pkg):

$ rake build

And finally install de gem:

$ rake install


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'xapo_sdk'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install xapo_sdk


The of the API allows third party application to interact with Xapo wallets and resources in a simple and intuitive way.

Development Environment:


The Credit API allows any Third Party Application (TPA) to load Bitcoins into any Xapo Wallet using a secure App_ID + App_Shared_Key authentication method.


  • To: (string, mandatory) any e­mail, BTC address or mobile number.
  • Currency: (Currency, mandatory) any of Currency.BTC or Currency.SAT .
  • Amount: (numeric, mandatory) amount to be credited.
  • Comments: (string, optional) note or message to attach to the transaction.
  • Subject: (string, optional) if specified, will be used as email subject (when crediting an email address) or SMS text (when crediting a mobile #).
  • Timestamp: (int, mandatory) UTC Unix Timestamp. The request will be rejected if using a timestamp not equal or greater than the last used by previous request.
  • Resquest Id: (string, mandatory) any ID that uniquely identifies this request. Cannot be repeated with any new request.


The result is a dictionary containing:

Key Type Description
success boolean Indicates whether the request was successfully processed or not
code string A response
message string Description of the result

Error codes:

Code Message
Success Wallet successfully credited
InvalidRequest Either the App token or Hash are invalid
ExpiredRequest The request timestamp and/or unique_request_id have expired
InvalidWallet Wallet not linked with this APP
InvalidEmail The destination email is invalid
InvalidBTCAddress The destination BTC address is invalid
InvalidCellphone The destination mobile number is invalid
InvalidCurrency The currency is invalid
InvalidAmount The amount to deposit is invalid
MinimumAmount The amount to deposit must be at least XXX
InsufficientFunds The wallet you are withdrawing from does not have enough available balance to fulfill the Deposit

Usage Example

    require "xapo_api"
    require "securerandom"


    # config the api
    api =, APP_ID, APP_SECRET)


    # call cerdit service
    res ='[email protected]', 0.5, SecureRandom.hex,
                     currency: Xapo::Currency::BTC, 
                     comments: "Sample deposit")


Micro Payment Widgets

Micro payment widgets allow to dynamically get a HTML snippet pre-configured and insert into your web page. Micro payment widgets provides 4 kind of pre-configured actions Pay, Donate, Tip and Deposit. The widgets allow the following configurations:

  • Amount BIT: [optional] sets a fixed amount for the intended payment.
  • Sender's Id: [optional] any identifier used in the TPA context to identify the sender.
  • Sender's email: [optional] used to pre-load the widget with the user's email.
  • Sender's cellphone: [optional] used to pre-load the widget with the user's cellphone.
  • Receiver's Id: [mandatory] any receiver's user unique identifier in the TPA context.
  • Receiver's email: [mandatory] the email of the user receiving the payment. It allows XAPO to contact the receiver to claim her payment.
  • Pay Object's Id: [mandatory] any unique identifier in the context of the TPA distinguishing the object of the payment.
  • Pay type: [optional] any of Donate | Pay | Tip | Deposit.

Be aware that micro payments could be optionally configured with your own application id and secret (app_id/app_secret). Configuring the micro payment with your application credentials allows you to charge a transaction fee for example.

IFrame Widget

require 'xapo_tools'


micro_payment =
                                            APP_ID,    # optional
                                            APP_SECRET # optional
config = XapoTools.micro_payment_config

config[:sender_user_email] = "[email protected]"
config[:sender_user_cellphone] = "+5491112341234"
config[:receiver_user_id] = "r0210"
config[:receiver_user_email] = "[email protected]"
config[:pay_object_id] = "to0210"
config[:amount_BIT] = 0.01
config[:pay_type] = PayType::DONATE

# Get IFRAME snippet
String iframe = microPayment.buildIframeWidget(request);

With this you get the following snippet:

<iframe id='tipButtonFrame' scrolling='no' frameborder='0' style='border:none; overflow:hidden; height:22px;' allowTransparency='true' src=''></iframe>

See the example results in the widgets gallery.

Div Widget

require 'xapo_tools'


micro_payment =
                                            APP_ID,     # optional 
                                            APP_SECRET  # optional
config = XapoTools.micro_payment_config

config[:sender_user_email] = "[email protected]"
config[:sender_user_cellphone] = "+5491112341234"
config[:receiver_user_id] = "r0210"
config[:receiver_user_email] = "[email protected]"
config[:pay_object_id] = "to0210"
config[:amount_BIT] = 0.01
config[:pay_type] = PayType::TIP

# PayType::TIP | PayType::PAY | PayType::DEPOSIT | PayType::DONATE
config[:pay_type] = PayType::DONATE

# Get DIV snippet

With this you get the following snippet:

<div id='tipButtonDiv' class='tipButtonDiv'></div>
<div id='tipButtonPopup' class='tipButtonPopup'></div>
$(document).ready(function() {$('#tipButtonDiv').load('');});

See the example results in the widgets gallery.

payment button

payment phone

payment email

payment pin


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request