Project WRB was forked from Project VisualuRuby(temp-name). Author of this project: BANJO Koyu <banjokoyu at> Copyright 2018-2018 "BANJO Koyu" and WRB development team. The URL of this project is .

Note: The URL of Project VisualuRuby(temp-name) is ? .

To install this library, follow the instructions below.


Make sure that you can install the extension library, 
that is, C compiler, Make tool etc works.


Type below in your command line.
  $ gem install wrb

Step 3:

Wait a few minutes, and make sure following message.
  Done installing documentation for wrb ...
  1 gem installed

Step 4:

Type "wrb" to see the documents and samples.
Type "wrb -f" to run the FormDesigner.
