Workarea Flow Io

Flow is an international checkout solution. Clients set up an "experience" in Flow that targets specific currencies or regions. A customer is geolocated using a javascript call, or they can opt to change their shipping country via a javascript widget. Customers checking out in foreign currencies get redirected to Flow's hosted checkout solution.


To install Flow, add it to your Gemfile:

gem 'workarea-flow_io'

...and run bundle install!

Next, configure your credentials in config/secrets.yml, as shown here:

  # get your API token from
  # under 'Organization Settings > Integrations"
  # the following credentials are provided by representatives..

Finally, run the generator to set up Flow for use with your application:

rails workarea:flow_io:install

This task creates localization attributes, webhooks, and exports products to Flow for later use, which are broken out into the following Rake tasks (run in the same order):


Now you're ready to Let It Flow!


Flow is configured using your Workarea.config, much like most of our other plugins. Many of these settings have defaults provided out of the box. The above steps in "Installation" should be the bare minimum you need to get the plugin working.

JavaScript Integration

Workarea::FlowIo can optionally use FlowJS as an additional layer of real-time pricing updates, or as the primary means by which "global" experience customers with no pre-defined experience can view localized prices. It is off by default, but can be enabled by setting the following in an initializer:

Workarea.configure do |config|
  config.flow_io.enable_javascript = true

Localization Attributes

The plugin provides localization attributes for: original_price, sale_price, msrp, product_id and digital These correspond to values of the attributes when exporting an item to flow, and they come back in the local_item_pricing attributes field. Other fields include gtin, brand, and hazardous. For more information, visit and


All international orders will be routed to a hosted checkout page. By default the order confirmation page will be hosted with as well.

Customers will be redirected to the default checkout url. However, most clients will choose to redirect to a subdomain. The redirect domain is controlled via the following config:

Workarea.configure do |config|
  config.flow_io.checkout_uri = ''

Under The Hood

This section explains a bit about how Flow integrates their pricing model into your Workarea store.

Item Exporting / Importing

A callbacks worker gets enqueued when Catalog::Product, Shipping::Sku, Pricing::Sku, or Pricing::Price are saved. Depending on the number of skus changed, the worker will export the affected items to Flow. Flow will then create Local Items to represent those skus in each experience, and push those prices back to Workarea in a flat file sent over SFTP. The plugin embeds those local items on the Pricing::Sku for display. The base price of a localized price will not necessarily be the same. After the initial price is converted into the localized currency, rounding and margin rules are applied and then it is converted back into the default currency as the base price.

Order Pricing

When a customer is transacting in a currency other than the default currency, two sets of PriceAdjustments are in effect. The standard #price_adjustments on Order::Item and Shipping are used to track pricing in the sites default currency while #flow_price_adjustments will store pricing the customer transacted in.

Checkout Flow

A new pricing calculator is added, FlowLocalizationCalculator and appended to the END of the pricing calculators array; it is important that if a build adds custom calculators that the FlowLocalizationCalculator is last. This calculator sends the order to flow and updates the Order::Item and Shipping #price_adjutments with localized prices and updated base prices. Because of the way discounting is passed to flow, discounts are displaying as a generic Discount adjustment, instead of an adjustment for each discount. Display will still happen at the order or item level depending on how the initial discount price adjutments were created.

A before_action in Storefront::CheckoutsController will send customers to Flow's hosted checkout if they are checking out in a Flow Experience. After the customer completes the order in hosted checkout. Flow will send an OrderUpsertedV2 webhook with a #submitted_at value. The Workarea::Order will be updated and marked as placed.

When Fulfillment::Items are shipped or canceled in Workarea, workers will update Flow with ShippingNotifications or FulfillmentCancellations.


A piece of middleware sits in front of Rack::Cache that will upsert a Session in Flow if the _f60_session cookie is blank, passing the request.remote_ip and HTTP_GEOIP_CITY_COUNTRY_CODE3 from Nginx. If the _f60_session cookie is present and the flow_experience cookie isn't a request will be made to get the session from the Flow API. If the API request 404s, a new session will be created and the _f60_session cookie will be updated. It updates HTTP's Vary header to include X-Flow-Experience and stores the current Experience in the flow_experience cookie as JSON. If a user updates their country via the country_picker.js, the flow_experience cookie is updated in the onSessionUpdate in javascript.


Cache keys are decorated to include the current Experience key. The Http Vary header is adjusted to include X-Flow-Experience The current country ISO-3166-3 code is added to the locale as an added measure agaisnt browser caching and the etag is updated to include the Experience key.

Client Considerations

It's assumed that Flow will be the payment processor for foreign orders, and that Flow will purchase those funds. 3PL(Third Party Logistics) will need to be discussed between the client and Flow for foreign orders.

Incompatibilities and Gotchas

When using this plugin with Gift Cards, make sure flow_io appears after gift_cards in your Gemfile, like so:

gem 'workarea-gift_cards'
gem 'workarea-flow_io'


Do you have a feature request, documentation update, bug report, or any kind of feedback about this plugin? Create a new issue and tell us all about it!

If you have some code you'd like to contribute to Workarea::FlowIo, make sure tests pass locally by running:

rails test                        # runs tests local to the plugin
rails app:workarea:test:decorated # runs decorated tests

Then, fork this repo and submit a pull request!


Workarea::FlowIo is released under the Business Software License