Workarea Facebook Conversion Tracking

A Facebook conversion tracking plugin for the Workarea Commerce platform. This integration sends events via browser and server to Facebook Business Manager.

Getting Started

This gem contains a Rails engine that must be mounted onto a host Rails application.

Then add the gem to your application's Gemfile specifying the source:

# ...
gem 'workarea-facebook_conversion_tracking'
# ...

Update your application's bundle.

cd path/to/application


This integration supports the following features:

  • Adding the Facebook pixel
  • Support the following facebook standard events out of the box:

    • AddtoCart
    • Purchase
  • Each event will require adjusting custom data on a per project need


For Workarea v3.5 and Greater Facebook Conversion Tracking can be configured via the settings section in the Workarea admin console. Available settings are:

  • pixel id
  • access token
  • test code

For Workarea v3.0 to V3.4 Add the following to your secrets:

facebook_conversion_tracking: pixel_id: YOUR-PIXEL-ID access_token: YOUR-ACCESS-TOKEN test_code: YOUR-TEST-CODE


See for Conversion Tracking Documentation.

See for Workarea platform documentation.


Workarea Sezzle is released under the MIT open source agreement.