
Rails helpers and more shared between common wob rails applications. Depends on twitter bootstrap.

This is the ‘‘master’’ branch, for use with rails 5.1.


branch rails ruby bootstrap icons
master 5.1 >= 2.3 v4 fontawesome
2-0-stable 5.0 >= 2.2 v3 glyphicons
1-0-stable 4.2 >= 2.0 v3 glyphicons
  • simple_form >= 3.3


gem 'wobapphelpers', github: 'swobspace/wobapphelpers', branch: "2-0-stable"
gem 'wobapphelpers', github: 'swobspace/wobapphelpers', branch: "1-0-stable"
gem 'wobapphelpers', github: 'swobspace/wobapphelpers', branch: "master"


wobapphelpers comes with some generators to install templates and so on:

  • rails g wobapphelpers:install : installs some locales
  • rails g wobapphelpers:scaffold_templates : installs scaffold erb and templates and a controller template using simple_form and bootstrap, responders and the famous respond_with method.



Helpers to ease use of glyphicon icons, predefined action links (i.e. edit_link), show_flash, and more …

# myapp/app/helpers/application_helper.rb:
module ApplicationHelper
  include Wobapphelpers::Helpers::All
  #or use specific modules
  include Wobapphelpers::Helpers::IconHelper
  include Wobapphelpers::Helpers::ActionViewHelper


Predefined settings for FlashResponder in gem ‘responders’ (https://github.com/plataformatec/responders) including german locales.

# myapp/app/controllers/application_controller.rb
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  self.responder = Wobapphelpers::Responders

Build breadcrumbs in the sense of backtrace, not of deepness. An example for classical breadcrumbs is

Home >> Posts >> posts#show

Wobapphelpers::Breadcrumbs store a the last 6 urls like this:

Home >> Posts >> Post(1) >> Others >> Posts

A breadcrumb will only be added if the url differs from the last breadcrumb on the stack. Wobapphelper::Breadcrumbs should be use in normal display actions like index or show, but not in actions which are redirecting to others (not in :create, :update) and best not to use in form actions like :edit and :new. The latter is a question of user experience, not a technical question. The back_link from Wobapphelpers::Helpers::ActionViewHelper uses breadcrumbs, if available, so it would be better to build your own back link if you set breadcrumbs for :new and :edit.

Setting breadcrumbs for index can be done in ApplicationController:

# myapp/app/controllers/application_controller.rb
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  include Wobapphelpers::Breadcrumbs
  before_filter :add_breadcrumb_index, only: [:index]

Breadcrumbs for @post must be set after retrieving the object from database. Pay attention to the correct order of before_actions:

# myapp/app/controllers/posts_controller.rb
class PostsController < ApplicationController
  before_action :set_post, only: [:show, :edit, :update, :destroy]
  before_action :add_breadcrumb_show, only: [:show]


  def set set_post
   @post = Post.find(params[:id])

Generic Functions

# add a breadcrumb manually
add_breadcrumb(name, url)

# get the last breadcrumb from stack

Styling breadcrumbs

Use builtin styling:

/* application.css
*= require wobapphelpers/breadcrumbs
/* ...

or build your own stuff. :render_breadcrumbs gives you a div#breadcrumbs tag.

For :add_breadcrumb_show the variable must be named after your Model. For other variable names you have to use :add_breadcrumbs_for, i.e.

# myapp/app/controllers/posts_controller.rb
class PostsController < ApplicationController
  def show
    @other = Post.find(params[:id])


Wobapphelpers Copyright (C) 2014-2018 Wolfgang Barth

MIT License, see LICENSE