NOTE: wip is WIP

wip is a concept I'm playing with for streamlining the process of coding for and documenting client and personal software projects.

While this document (specifically) and the idea (generally) are "work-in-progress", I've got a good sense of where I want to go with this and will, in fact, be using the techniques described herein for this project itself.

What is a wip Project

A Project is made up of:

  • Notes
  • Code

The goal is to create an experience in which working on a given client or personal project is:

  • easy to initialize
  • easy to customize per the project needs
  • has notes which are (optionally) maintained outside of the project's codebase, yet are:
    • version-controlled
    • easily accessible from multiple desktops, web browsers, and mobile devices
    • authored in such a way as to be sensible in those environments
  • has a workspace which is easily customizable to the needs of the specific project in question and in which:
    • work-in-progress changes are automatically version-controlled, allowing for the tracking (and recovery of) any effort made, while leaving it up to the developer(s) to determine when there is a meaningful chunk of effort to commit the the project "proper".
    • exportable/shareable... the project's setup may be shared with the team-at-large, while allowing for "local" preferences as well.

Assumptions & Intentional Limitations

  1. I develop with:
    • an Apple computer
    • an iPhone
    • a :)
  2. I strongly prefer TextMate to RubyMine (etc.), so no effort has been made to adjust these concepts and tools for other editors/IDEs.
  3. I hope to never again have to use CVS, Perforce, SourceSafe, ClearCase, SVN (in chronological order of my use) etc. over Git. So, as with editor-specific points, these recommendations assume the use of Git as the version control tool in place.

On "Notes"

TODO: expand upon, clarify:

  • backed by DropBox
  • on-the-fly versioned, with git-wip
  • in Markdown syntax
  • authored to be viewable/editable within Textforce on the iPhone

On "Code"


Scratch Pad

  • Here is an edit of this file, as navigated to within the git project. Note that the README at the project's root is a symlink to this file. As such, DO NOT edit that file (which Textmate allows).
  • Here is an edit of this file, as navigated to through the Dropbox path (which symlinks to the doc folder).
  • Here is an edit of this file, as loaded in Textforce on my iPhone and auto-sync'd back to my MacBook by way of Dropbox.