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wialon_api is a ruby client for a Wialon web-based GPS tracking software platform API.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'wialon_api'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install wialon_api


Api method call

# The first thing to do is to authorize client
client = WialonApi.authorize("wialon_test", "test")

# Now we can use API
client.core.get_account_data(type: 1)
# => {"plan"=>"Gurtam External",
#  "enabled"=>1,
#  "flags"=>16,
#  "created"=>1362386585,
#  "balance"=>"0.00",
#  "daysCounter"=>0,
#  "services"=>
#   ....

# API calls with nested params could be implemented as follows
  "spec" => {
    "itemsType" => "avl_unit",
    "propName" => "sys_name",
    "propValueMask" => "*",
    "sortType" => "sys_name"
  "force" => 1,
  "flags" => 0x3FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF,
  "from" => 0,
  "to" => 0

=> {"searchSpec"=>{"itemsType"=>"avl_unit", "propName"=>"sys_name", "propValueMask"=>"*", "sortType"=>"sys_name", "propType"=>""},
# "dataFlags"=>4611686018427387903,
# "totalItemsCount"=>27,
# "indexFrom"=>0,
# "indexTo"=>0,
# "items"=>
#  [{"nm"=>"_TK102",
#    "cls"=>2,
#    "id"=>12417697,
#    "prp"=>{},
#    "crt"=>717313,
#     ..........

wialon_api uses a list of namespaces from API documentation:

  • core
  • items
  • user
  • resource
  • account
  • unit
  • unit_group
  • retranslator
  • route
  • messages
  • report
  • exchange
  • render
  • file

Error handling

When wialon server returns an error, the WialonApi::Error exception is raised

[1] pry(main)> WialonApi.authorize("wrong_user", "password")
WialonApi::Error: Wialon server https://hst-api.wialon.com/wialon/ajax.html returned error 8: Invalid user name or password


wialon_api logs information in STDOUT by default. This can be changed in configuration to any other logger e.g. Rails.logger.

Three types of information could be logged:

configuration key default value log level
URL Request log_requests true debug
error response JSON log_errors true warn
success response JSON log_responses false debug

In a rails applications with default settings in production mode only server response errors are logged. In development mode the gem logs server responses and request URLs.


Global parameters could be set in a block of WialonApi.configure:

WialonApi.configure do |config|
  # Faraday adapter to make requests with:
  # config.adapter = :net_http

  # Faraday connection options
  # config.faraday_options = {}

  # HTTP verb for API methods (:get or :post)
  # config.http_verb = :post

  # Number of retries when connection is failed
  # config.max_retries = 1

  # Logging parameters:
  # log everything through the rails logger
  config.logger = Rails.logger

  # log requests' URLs
  # config.log_requests = true

  # log response JSON after errors
  # config.log_errors = true

  # log response JSON after successful responses
  # config.log_responses = false

  # Wialon server host
  # config.wialon_host = 'https://hst-api.wialon.com/wialon/ajax.html'

  # Wialon server edition: :hosting, :local, :pro
  # config.wialon_edition = :hosting

Note that Wialon Pro edition uses different parameters in requests, e.g. ssid vs eid as the session identifier. WialonApi gem handles these differences automatically.

Net::HTTP is used by default for a HTTP requests. One can choose any other adapter suported by faraday.

Options for faraday connection (e.g. proxy settings or SSL certificates path) could be set through faraday_options when configuring wialon_api.

The default configuration could be generated in a Rails application using wialon_api:install command:

$ cd /path/to/app
$ rails generate wialon_api:install


  • Implement methods from "Other request" documentation section
  • Add documentation


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/[my-github-username]/wialon_api/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request