Module: WhosGotDirt::Requests::Relation

Defined in:


Requests for relations.

Many APIs support the parameters below. For API-specific parameters, visit the API's request class.


Find related entities by name (fuzzy match).

"subject": [{
  "name~=": "John Smith"

Find related people by birth date.

"subject": [{
  "birth_date": "2010-01-01"

Find related people with a birth date greater than or equal to a given value.

"subject": [{
  "birth_date>=": "2010-01-03"

Find related people with a birth date greater than a given value.

"subject": [{
  "birth_date>": "2010-01-02"

Find related people with a birth date less than or equal to a given value.

"subject": [{
  "birth_date<=": "2010-01-04"

Find related people with a birth date less than a given value.

"subject": [{
  "birth_date<": "2010-01-05"

Find related entities by address (fuzzy match).

"subject": [{
  "contact_details": [{
    "type": "address",
    "value~=": "52 London"

Limit the number of results.

"limit": 5

Paginate the results.

"page": 2

Defined Under Namespace

Classes: OpenCorporates, OpenOil