
This repo contains scripts for managing the Elasticsearch server that is used by the zilly-backend Rails app

Getting Started

This is a brief description of the steps to follow.

  1. Install Ruby or via rvm with the command $ rvm install 2.3.4
  2. Install Elasitcsearch.


The project requires:

  1. Ruby version 2.3.4
  2. Elasticsearch server

Run it

  1. Install bundler gem: $ gem install bundler
  2. Install all gem dependences: $ bundle install
  3. Configure environment variables $ cp .env.example .env $ nano .env
  4. Elasticsearch index setup $ bundle exec rake elasticsearch:create_indices elasticsearch:create_aliases Note: Indexes will be empty. Ask around if you need to import data.

Choosing a server

To point the script at a server other than your local server, just edit the ELASTICSEARCH_URL environment variable in the .env file.

Rake tasks

Run bundle exec rake -T to see a list of all available Rake tasks.