
Whisk is a simple cookbook manager for Chef, inspired by librarian and berkshelf.

Unlike these tools, Whisk only concerns itself with fetching and preparing exactly what you tell it, and will not resolve dependencies for you or make any decisions about which code gets downloaded for you.

Whisk has been designed to work with git only and tries to help automating the more tedious aspects of working with the 'single git repository per cookbook' model.


Whisk will prepare one or multiple 'bowls' of cookbooks as specified in your Whiskfile.

Example Whiskfile

cb_path = "/home/msf/hack/whisk/%s"
github = "git://github.com/cookbooks/%s.git"

bowl "production" do
  path cb_path % name

  ingredient "ntp" do
    source github % "ntp"
    ref '1.1.2'

bowl "development" do
  path cb_path % name

  ingredient "ntp" do
    source github % "ntp"
    ref 'develop'

  ingredient "ssh" do
    source github % "ssh"
    ref 'develop'


whisk list

The list subcommand will list the short name of all of the configured ingredients. This short name consists of the bowl and ingredient names separated by a forward slash. These short names maybe be used as filters for most other subcommands

$ whisk list

whisk prepare

The prepare subcommand allows you to clone your ingredients and optional checkout a specified ref.

$ whisk prepare
Creating bowl 'production' with path /home/msf/hack/whisk/production
Preparing bowl 'production' with path /home/msf/hack/whisk/production
Cloning ingredient ntp, from git url git://github.com/cookbooks/ntp.git
Cloning into 'ntp'...
Checking out ref '1.1.2' for ingredient ntp

You can also use specify a filter to run whisk subcommands on a subset of cookbooks by specifying the bowl and ingredient separated by a forward slash. Wildcards or optional matches can be specified by using ruby syntax.

# Given the Whiskfile as described earlier in the documentation
# prepare the 'development' bowl
$ whisk prepare 'dev.*'

# prepare the ntp cookbook in all configured bowls'
$ whisk prepare '.*/ntp'

# prepare a list of cookbooks
$ whisk prepare 'dev/(ssh|ntp)'

whisk status

Whisk status calls 'git status' on the specified set of ingredients.

You can use the same filter mechanisms as described in 'whisk prepare' to run update on a subset of ingredients

# show status for all configured bowls
$ whisk status
Status for ingredient 'production/ntp'
# On branch master
nothing to commit (working directory clean)

whisk update

Whisk update calls 'git remote update' on the specified set of ingredients on them. It does not attempt to merge any code from your remotes.

You can use the same filter mechanisms as described in 'whisk prepare' to run update on a subset of ingredients

# update all ingredients, in all bowls
$ whisk update

# only update the 'development bowl'
$ whisk update dev