
Ever wondered when will Easter (or Passover, if you prefer) be next year? No worries, use when_easter!

It's still being developed and refactored, so beware ;) Binaries work well though.


$ gem install when_easter


$ when_easter #the default year is current year
In the year 2011, the Roman Easter is on 24 April.
In the year 2011, the Greek Easter is on 24 April.
In the year 2010 the distance between Roman and Greek Easter is 0 week(s).

$ when_easter 2010
In the year 2010, the Roman Easter is on 04 April.
In the year 2010, the Greek Easter is on 04 April.
In the year 2010 the distance between Roman and Greek Easter is 0 week(s).

If you want to find only one date, you can also try

$ when_roman_easter


$ when_greek_easter

and also

$ find_distance

If you wish, you can also use WhenEaster::EasterCalendar class and its methods to fetch the dates only

roman_date = WhenEaster::EasterCalendar.find_roman_easter_date(2010)

or, if you wan't to play more with EasterCalendar instance,

my_calendar = WhenEaster::EasterCalendar.new(2010) #if you want to get data for the year 2010
another_roman_date =    my_calendar.roman_easter

greek date is similiar - you can get it by replacing roman with greek

And get

=> Sun Apr 21 00:00:00 +0200 2019

A Date object


Released under the MIT license. (c) 2011 Michał Nierebiński