Weighted select

Allows you to store random items with their weight and select them later based on weights.


require 'weighted-select'

# a/b/c/d relate as 10/4/1/16
weights  = { a: 10, b: 4, c: 1, d: 16 }
selector = WeightedSelect::Selector.new weights

# One can add some more items later
selector.add :e, 5
selector.add :f, 3

# One can increase weight by adding the same item again
selector.add :c, 4

# { 
#   (0...10)  => :a, 
#   (10...14) => :b, 
#   (14...15) => :c, 
#   (15...31) => :d, 
#   (31...36) => :e, 
#   (36...39) => :f, 
#   (39...43) => :c
# }

# Returns random item based on weights 

Anything can be an item. Weight must be positive integer. Total weight of all items is stored in selector.total_weight.