Module: WeekOfMonth::Constant

Included in:
Month, Week
Defined in:

Constant Summary collapse


hash containing english words from one to seven

{ 1 => 'First', 2 => 'Second', 3 => 'Third',
4 => 'Fourth', 5 => 'Fifth', 6 => 'Sixth', 7 => 'Seventh' }.freeze

hash containing french words from one to seven

{ 1 => 'Premier', 2 => 'Deuxième', 3 => 'Troisième',
4 => 'Quatrième', 5 => 'Cinquième', 6 => 'Sixième', 7 => 'Septième' }.freeze

hash containing german words from one to seven

{ 1 => 'First', 2 => 'Second', 3 => 'Dritten',
4 => 'Vierte', 5 => 'Fünfte', 6 => 'Sechste', 7 => 'siebte' }.freeze

hash containing japanese words from one to seven

{ 1 => '第一', 2 => '第二', 3 => '第三',
4 => '第四', 5 => '第五', 6 => '第六', 7 =>  '第七' }.freeze

hash containing month name with days in that month(in non leap year)

{ january: 31, february: 28, march: 31,
april: 30, may: 31, june: 30, july: 31,
august: 31, september: 30, october: 31,
november: 30, december: 31 }.freeze

hash containing month names with their sequence

{ january: 1, february: 2, march: 3,
april: 4, may: 5, june: 6, july: 7,
august: 8, september: 9, october: 10,
november: 11, december: 12 }.freeze

array of ordered days names starting from sunday and ending with saturday.

%w[Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday].freeze

array of ordered days names starting from sunday and ending with saturday.

%w[Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday].freeze

array of ordered days names starting from sunday and ending with saturday.

%w[Last First Second Third Fourth Fifth].freeze