
The Webtractor is a ruby library which is able to extract main content from webpages like news, blogs, etc. As a result you can just have a main content without any boilerplate (menu, footer, comments, etc).


You can install it directly via gem:

gem install webtractor

Or you can put it in your Gemfile:

gem 'webtractor'

Then run:

bundle install

Basic usage

extractor = Webtractor::Extractor.new
result = extractor.extract_from_url
puts result.text


extractor = Webtractor::Extractor.new
result = extractor.extract '<html><body>...</body></html>'


page = Nokogiri::HTML(...)
extractor = Webtractor::Extractor.new
result = extractor.extract_from_xml page

You can also access Nokogiri document from result via xml attribute:

puts result.xml.xpath('...').text 

Advanced usage

Process of getting main content from the webpage is really simple. It consists of applying multiple filters on the document where every filter gets on input output of the last applied filter.

You can look at the names of default filters:

p Webtractor::Filters::DefaultFilter.new.filters.map{|f| f.class.to_s}

You can remove any filter:

extractor.remove_filter Webtractor::Filters::RemoveComments

Or you can also create your own filter. It can be any class which implements process method which takes page as an argument and returns page:

class RemoveBolds
  def process page

extractor.add_filter RemoveBolds.new


This library is distributed under the Beerware license.