
A description, specification and test framework for web services seen as black box software operations.


  • Declarative description of RESTful web-services + their tests

  • Framework/language agnostic: Webspicy is written in Ruby, but can be used to test web services in any language / framework.

  • Black box testing: Webspicy focuses on web services seen as blackboxes. It has no knowledge of the implementation, and focuses on HTTP and input/output data instead. Investing in such testing makes those tests stables and your API better.

  • Extra goodness for Rubyists: being written in ruby, Webspicy also supports testing Rack applications directly (through rack/test)

Getting started

Please have a look at the example first. It contains a simple Sinatra application with GET and POST restful services tested with the framework. The Rakefile contains the necessary tasks to run those tests.