
This gem integrates assets from webpack into a Ruby on Rails application. It basically converts between the asset name and the asset name as emitted by webpack with hashes and stuff added.

This works by using a JSON manifest file. When using together with webpack-dev-server, the manifest is re-read on every call to one of the helpers. This isn't exactly efficient but isn't much of a problem in development mode. In production mode, the manifest is read once from file.


  • Add this to Gemfile:

    gem 'webpack-rails-helper'
  • Run bundle

  • Add this to "devDependencies" of package.json:

    "webpack-manifest-plugin": "^1.2.1"
  • Run yarn (or npm install if you must)

  • In webpack.config.js, add the plugin

    plugins: [
        // other plugins here
        new ManifestPlugin()


In config/application.rb or in a config/environments/*.rb, configure it. Defaults are as follows:

    config.webpack.dev_server.host = 'localhost'
    config.webpack.dev_server.port = 3808

    # The host and port to use when fetching the manifest
    # This is helpful for e.g. docker containers, where the host and port you
    # use via the web browser is not the same as those that the containers use
    # to communicate among each other. Uses 'host' and 'port' when set to nil.
    config.webpack.dev_server.manifest_host = nil
    config.webpack.dev_server.manifest_port = nil

    config.webpack.dev_server.https = false # note - this will use OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
    config.webpack.dev_server.enabled = ::Rails.env.development?

    config.webpack.output_dir = 'public/webpack'
    config.webpack.public_path = 'webpack'
    config.webpack.manifest_filename = 'manifest.json'


It's recommended to use foreman or something similar to start Rails and the webpack server during development. When using foreman, the Procfile could look like this:

rails: ./bin/rails server
webpack: ./node_modules/.bin/webpack-dev-server --hot --inline --config config/webpack.config.js


The gem provides helper methods, available in views and controllers:

  • Generic asset:

    webpack_asset_path(source, optional = false)

    When using this method, the full name must be specified, including the file extension. When optional is set to true, a non-existing asset will not raise an exception. This is useful when some assets are only available in production mode, e.g. extracted CSS.

  • Javascript tag:

    javascript_webpack_tag(*names, **options)

    This creates a javascript include tag, just like javascript_include_tag would, but using an asset from webpack. The .js extension is added automatically if required.

  • Stylesheet tag:

    stylesheet_webpack_tag(*names, **options)

    This creates a stylesheet link tag, just like stylesheet_link_tag would, but using an asset from webpack. The .css extension is added automatically if required. CSS assets are considered optional when the dev_server is running for reasons stated above.


This started as a fork of https://github.com/mipearson/webpack-rails.git

The reason for the fork is the usage of a different webpack manifest format. The original depends on 'stats-webpack-plugin' while this uses 'webpack-manifest-plugin'. Since the file formats are so different, it results in an incompatible API.

This code has lived inside an application and has been extracted back out into this gem.


This gem is released under the MIT license.