Class: Webmachine::Adapters::RackMapped

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Provides the same functionality as the parent Webmachine::Adapters::Rack adapter, but allows the Webmachine application to be hosted at an arbitrary path in a parent Rack application (as in Rack ‘map` or Rails routing `mount`)

This functionality is separated out from the parent class to preserve backward compatibility in the behaviour of the parent Rack adpater.

To use the adapter in a parent Rack application, map the Webmachine application as follows in a rackup file or Rack::Builder:

map '/foo' do
  run SomeotherRackApp

  map '/bar' do
    run MyWebmachineApp.adapter

Constant Summary

Constants inherited from Rack

Webmachine::Adapters::Rack::DEFAULT_OPTIONS, Webmachine::Adapters::Rack::NEWLINE, Webmachine::Adapters::Rack::REQUEST_URI, Webmachine::Adapters::Rack::VERSION_STRING

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from Webmachine::Adapter


Method Summary

Methods inherited from Rack

#call, #run

Methods inherited from Webmachine::Adapter

#initialize, run, #run

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Webmachine::Adapter