weatai Gem

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weatai is a gem that specializes in getting data from Central Weather Bureau(Taiwan).


If you are working on a project, add this to your Gemfile: gem 'weatai'

For ad hoc installation from command line:

$ gem install weatai

Setup Central Weather Bureau(Taiwan) Credentials

Please setup your Central Weather Bureau credentials by creating an account on Central Weather Bureau Website: http://www.cwb.gov.tw – creating an CWB member account and go to :http://opendata.cwb.gov.tw - login by CWB member account and get credentials (資料使用說明->取得驗證碼)


Require weatai gem in your code: require 'weatai'

Supply your CWB credentials to our library in one of two ways:

  • Setup environment variables: ENV['DATA_ID1'] , ENV['DATA_ID2'],ENV['AUTH_KEY'],ENV['FORMAT'],ENV['TOKEN']
  • Or, provide them directly to weatai:
weatai::Config = { dataid1: ENV['DATA_ID1'],
                   dataid2: ENV['DATA_ID2'],
                   key:    ENV['AUTH_KEY'], 
                   format: ENV['FORMAT'],
                   token:  ENV['TOKEN']}