Watir API

As more web applications make use of an interface to interact with their service layer, people now have more flexibility to set up and verify parts of their UI tests without needing to use a browser.

This simple gem makes it easy to subclass WatirApi::Base and provide all of the information necessary to interact with the different REST endpoints available in your application.

This code is designed to be used with the watir_model gem. The Model stores the canonical data and is used to make it easy to compare the input and output from both the API and the UI.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'watir_api'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install watir_api


  1. Set the base url ruby WatirApi::Base.base_url = '"https://restful-booker.herokuapp.com"'
  2. Create a subclass with an endpoint:

    module API
      class Booking < WatirApi::Base
        def self.endpoint
  3. Make API calls

    booking = {firstname: "Trey",
               lastname: "Ruecker",
               totalprice: 83,
               depositpaid: true,
               bookingdates: {checkin: '2019-02-23',
                              checkout: '2019-02-27'}}
  4. The Array or Hash of results is accessed with #data

    booking = {firstname: "David",
               lastname: "Jones",
               totalprice: 183,
               depositpaid: true,
               bookingdates: {checkin: '2019-03-23',
                              checkout: '2019-03-27'}}
    created_booking = API::Booking.create(booking)
    booking_id = created_booking.data[:bookingid]
    stored_booking = API::Booking.show(id: booking_id).data
    expect(stored_booking).to eq booking
  5. Use Watir Model

    Note that the code in the previous example will actually fail. This is because we are storing dates as String values and the input String does not match the output String

    Hashes are hard to compare, which is why we have WatirModel. WatirModel is designed to store the canonical representation of related data in the appropriate data type, specifically so that data can be correctly compared.

    module Model
      class BookingDates < WatirModel
        key(:checkin, data_type: Date) { Faker::Date.forward }
        key(:checkout, data_type: Date) { checkin + 4 }
      class Booking < WatirModel
        key(:firstname) { Faker::Name.first_name }
        key(:lastname) { Faker::Name.last_name }
        key(:totalprice, data_type: Integer) { Faker::Commerce.price.round }
        key(:depositpaid) { true }
        key(:bookingdates, data_type: BookingDates) { BookingDates.new }

    Because we have a model class defined that is named the same as the API class, WatirApi will automatically attempt to create an instance of the model from the return value of the API call. It is accessible from a method based on the name of the API/Model classes, so in this case #booking:

    booking = Model::Booking.new
    created_booking = API::Booking.create(booking)
    booking_id = created_booking.data[:bookingid]
    stored_booking = API::Booking.show(id: booking_id).booking
    expect(stored_booking).to eq booking
  6. Customize

    You have a subclass, so if you need to add or change things before or after a call, just override the WatirApi method in your subclass:

    module API
      class Booking < WatirApi::Base
        attr_reader :id
        def initialize(*)
          return if @data.is_a?(Array)
          @id = @data[:bookingid]

    Now we can use this like so:

    booking = Model::Booking.new
    created_booking = API::Booking.create(booking)
    expect(created_booking.id).to eq created_booking.data[:bookingid]

    Because this pattern comes in very handy, you can use #define_attribute to do the same thing:

    module API
      class Booking < WatirApi::Base
        def initialize(*)
          return if @data.is_a?(Array)
          define_attribute(:id, @data[:bookingid])


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/titusfortner/watir_api.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.