Warden Token Strategy


This is a simple token authentication strategy for Warden. It's not very secure and I wouldn't use it long-term in production, but if you want a simple API-like means of authenticating a user with each request, this is a decent way to do it.

It makes a couple of assumptions on parameter naming and such, but I plan to eventually include configuration capabilities, such that you can create an initiailizer or something and override the parameter names with custom ones.


Pretty easy if you use bundler:

gem "warden-token"

Or if you use RubyGems:

gem install warden-token

Then require "warden/strategies/token" in your project code (or your Gemfile) and add it to the Warden strategies collection as such:

Warden::Strategies.add(:token, Warden::Strategies::Token)

Now you may authenticate using the strategy name :token, but you can change that part to whatever you'd like.