wakizashi - HTML/XML Parser for RubyMoton

HTML/XML parser for RubyMotion, based on GDataXML-HTML.

Goal: Nokogiri style interface HTML parsing and building for RubyMotion.

Status: basic search, read and write working


Install the gem

ruby gem install wakizashi

Add the gem to your RubyMotion Rakefile

``` ruby $:.unshift(“/Library/RubyMotion/lib”) require ‘motion/project’ require ‘motion-cocoapods’ require ‘wakizashi’

Motion::Project::App.setup do |app| app.name = ‘myapp’

# Only needed if you have not already specifying a pods dependency app.pods do pod ‘GDataXML-HTML’ end end ```



Search nodes with XPath

ruby doc = Wakizashi::HTML("<html><body><h1>Hello World</h1><p>Welcome</p><p>Foo</p><a href='http://www.google.com'>Google</a></body></html>") doc.xpath("//p")

Modify nodes

ruby link = doc.xpath("//a").first link["href"] # => "http://www.google.com" link["href"] = "http://wikipedia.org" link.stringValue = "Wiki" link.to_html => # "<html><body><h1>Hello World</h1><p>Welcome</p><p>Foo</p><a href='http://wikipedia.org'>Wiki</a></body></html>"