
The Ruby gem for the vSphere VCenter API

  • API version: 2.0.0
  • Package version: 0.4.2


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'vsphere-automation-vcenter'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install vsphere-automation-vcenter

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following code:

# Load the gem
require 'vsphere-automation-vcenter'

# Setup authorization
VSphereAutomation.configure do |config|
  # Configure API key authorization: api_key
  config.api_key['vmware-api-session-id'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
  # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
  #config.api_key_prefix['vmware-api-session-id'] = 'Bearer'

api_instance = VSphereAutomation::VCenter::CertificateManagementVcenterTlsApi.new

  #Returns the rhttpproxy TLS certificate.
  result = api_instance.get
  p result
rescue VSphereAutomation::ApiError => e
  puts "Exception when calling CertificateManagementVcenterTlsApi->get: #{e}"

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to https://<vcenter>/rest

Class Method HTTP request Description
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::CertificateManagementVcenterTlsApi get GET /vcenter/certificate-management/vcenter/tls Returns the rhttpproxy TLS certificate.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::CertificateManagementVcenterTlsApi renew POST /vcenter/certificate-management/vcenter/tls?action=renew Renews the TLS certificate for the given duration period.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::CertificateManagementVcenterTlsApi set PUT /vcenter/certificate-management/vcenter/tls Replaces the rhttpproxy TLS certificate with the specified certificate.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::CertificateManagementVcenterTlsCsrApi create POST /vcenter/certificate-management/vcenter/tls-csr Generates a CSR with the given Spec.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::CertificateManagementVcenterTrustedRootChainsApi create POST /vcenter/certificate-management/vcenter/trusted-root-chains Creates a new trusted root certificate chain from the CreateSpec.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::CertificateManagementVcenterTrustedRootChainsApi delete DELETE /vcenter/certificate-management/vcenter/trusted-root-chains/chain Deletes trusted root certificate chain for a given identifier.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::CertificateManagementVcenterTrustedRootChainsApi get GET /vcenter/certificate-management/vcenter/trusted-root-chains/chain Retrieve a trusted root certificate chain for a given identifier.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::CertificateManagementVcenterTrustedRootChainsApi list GET /vcenter/certificate-management/vcenter/trusted-root-chains Returns summary information for each trusted root certificate chain.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::ClusterApi get GET /vcenter/cluster/cluster Retrieves information about the cluster corresponding to cluster.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::ClusterApi list GET /vcenter/cluster Returns information about at most 1000 visible (subject to permission checks) clusters in vCenter matching the Cluster.FilterSpec.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::DatacenterApi create POST /vcenter/datacenter Create a new datacenter in the vCenter inventory
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::DatacenterApi delete DELETE /vcenter/datacenter/datacenter Delete an empty datacenter from the vCenter Server
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::DatacenterApi get GET /vcenter/datacenter/datacenter Retrieves information about the datacenter corresponding to datacenter.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::DatacenterApi list GET /vcenter/datacenter Returns information about at most 1000 visible (subject to permission checks) datacenters in vCenter matching the Datacenter.FilterSpec.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::DatastoreApi get GET /vcenter/datastore/datastore Retrieves information about the datastore indicated by datastore.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::DatastoreApi list GET /vcenter/datastore Returns information about at most 1000 visible (subject to permission checks) datastores in vCenter matching the Datastore.FilterSpec.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::DatastoreDefaultPolicyApi get GET /vcenter/datastore/datastore/default-policy Returns the identifier of the current default storage policy associated with the specified datastore.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::DeploymentApi get GET /vcenter/deployment Get the current status of the appliance deployment.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::DeploymentApi rollback POST /vcenter/deployment?action=rollback Rollback a failed appliance so it can be configured once again.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::DeploymentImportHistoryApi cancel POST /vcenter/deployment/history?action=cancel Cancels the task for importing vCenter historical data.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::DeploymentImportHistoryApi get GET /vcenter/deployment/history Get the current status of the vCenter historical data import.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::DeploymentImportHistoryApi pause POST /vcenter/deployment/history?action=pause Pauses the task for importing vCenter historical data.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::DeploymentImportHistoryApi resume POST /vcenter/deployment/history?action=resume Resumes the task for importing vCenter historical data.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::DeploymentImportHistoryApi start POST /vcenter/deployment/history?action=start Creates and starts task for importing vCenter historical data.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::DeploymentInstallApi cancel POST /vcenter/deployment/install?action=cancel Cancel the appliance installation that is in progress.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::DeploymentInstallApi check POST /vcenter/deployment/install?action=check Run sanity checks using the InstallSpec parameters passed.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::DeploymentInstallApi get GET /vcenter/deployment/install Get the parameters used to configure the ongoing appliance installation.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::DeploymentInstallApi start POST /vcenter/deployment/install?action=start Start the appliance installation.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::DeploymentInstallInitialConfigRemotePscThumbprintApi get GET /vcenter/deployment/install/initial-config/remote-psc/thumbprint Gets the SHA1 thumbprint of the remote PSC.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::DeploymentInstallPscReplicatedApi check POST /vcenter/deployment/install/psc/replicated?action=check Checks whether the provided remote PSC is reachable and can be replicated.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::DeploymentInstallPscStandaloneApi check POST /vcenter/deployment/install/psc/standalone?action=check Checks that the information to configure a non-replicated PSC satisfies the requirements.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::DeploymentInstallRemotePscApi check POST /vcenter/deployment/install/remote-psc?action=check Checks whether the remote PSC is reachable and the deployed vCenter Server can be registered with the remote PSC.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::DeploymentQuestionApi answer POST /vcenter/deployment/question?action=answer Supply answer to the raised question.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::DeploymentQuestionApi get GET /vcenter/deployment/question Get the question that was raised during the configuration.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::DeploymentUpgradeApi cancel POST /vcenter/deployment/upgrade?action=cancel Cancel the appliance upgrade that is in progress.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::DeploymentUpgradeApi check POST /vcenter/deployment/upgrade?action=check Run sanity checks using the UpgradeSpec parameters passed.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::DeploymentUpgradeApi get GET /vcenter/deployment/upgrade Get the UpgradeSpec parameters used to configure the ongoing appliance upgrade.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::DeploymentUpgradeApi start POST /vcenter/deployment/upgrade?action=start Start the appliance installation.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::FolderApi list GET /vcenter/folder Returns information about at most 1000 visible (subject to permission checks) folders in vCenter matching the Folder.FilterSpec.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::GuestCustomizationSpecsApi list GET /vcenter/guest/customization-specs Returns information about at most 1000 visible (subject to permission checks) guest customization specifications in vCenter matching the CustomizationSpecs.FilterSpec.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::HostApi connect POST /vcenter/host/host/connect Connect to the host corresponding to host previously added to the vCenter server.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::HostApi create POST /vcenter/host Add a new standalone host in the vCenter inventory. The newly connected host will be in connected state. The vCenter Server will verify the SSL certificate before adding the host to its inventory. In the case where the SSL certificate cannot be verified because the Certificate Authority is not recognized or the certificate is self signed, the vCenter Server will fall back to thumbprint verification mode as defined by Host.CreateSpec.ThumbprintVerification.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::HostApi delete DELETE /vcenter/host/host Remove a standalone host from the vCenter Server.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::HostApi disconnect POST /vcenter/host/host/disconnect Disconnect the host corresponding to host from the vCenter server
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::HostApi list GET /vcenter/host Returns information about at most 1000 visible (subject to permission checks) hosts in vCenter matching the Host.FilterSpec.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::InventoryDatastoreApi find POST /com/vmware/vcenter/inventory/datastore?~action=find Returns datastore information for the specified datastores. The key in the result map is the datastore identifier and the value in the map is the datastore information.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::InventoryNetworkApi find POST /com/vmware/vcenter/inventory/network?~action=find Returns network information for the specified vCenter Server networks. The key in the result map is the network identifier and the value in the map is the network information.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::IsoImageApi mount POST /com/vmware/vcenter/iso/image/id:library_item?~action=mount Mounts an ISO image from a content library on a virtual machine.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::IsoImageApi unmount POST /com/vmware/vcenter/iso/image/id:vm?~action=unmount Unmounts a previously mounted CD-ROM using an ISO image as a backing.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::NetworkApi list GET /vcenter/network Returns information about at most 1000 visible (subject to permission checks) networks in vCenter matching the Network.FilterSpec.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::OvfCapabilityApi get GET /com/vmware/vcenter/ovf/capability/id:server_guid Returns information about the capability of the given vCenter server.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::OvfExportFlagApi list GET /com/vmware/vcenter/ovf/export-flag Returns information about the supported export flags by the server.

The supported flags are:

Include MAC addresses for network adapters.
Include extra configuration in OVF export.

Future server versions might support additional flags.

VSphereAutomation::VCenter::OvfImportFlagApi list GET /com/vmware/vcenter/ovf/import-flag Returns information about the import flags supported by the deployment platform.

The supported flags are:

Lax mode parsing of the OVF descriptor.

Future server versions might support additional flags.

VSphereAutomation::VCenter::OvfLibraryItemApi create POST /com/vmware/vcenter/ovf/library-item Creates a library item in content library from a virtual machine or virtual appliance.

This operation creates a library item in content library whose content is an OVF package derived from a source virtual machine or virtual appliance, using the supplied create specification. The OVF package may be stored as in a newly created library item or in an in an existing library item. For an existing library item whose content is updated by this operation, the original content is overwritten.

VSphereAutomation::VCenter::OvfLibraryItemApi deploy POST /com/vmware/vcenter/ovf/library-item/id:ovf_library_item_id?~action=deploy Deploys an OVF package stored in content library to a newly created virtual machine or virtual appliance.

This operation deploys an OVF package which is stored in the library item specified by ovfLibraryItemId. It uses the deployment specification in deploymentSpec to deploy the OVF package to the location specified by target.

VSphereAutomation::VCenter::OvfLibraryItemApi filter POST /com/vmware/vcenter/ovf/library-item/id:ovf_library_item_id?~action=filter Queries an OVF package stored in content library to retrieve information to use when deploying the package. See #deploy.

This operation retrieves information from the descriptor of the OVF package stored in the library item specified by ovfLibraryItemId. The information returned by the operation can be used to populate the deployment specification (see ResourcePoolDeploymentSpec when deploying the OVF package to the deployment target specified by target.

VSphereAutomation::VCenter::ResourcePoolApi get GET /vcenter/resource-pool/resource_pool Retrieves information about the resource pool indicated by resourcePool.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::ResourcePoolApi list GET /vcenter/resource-pool Returns information about at most 1000 visible (subject to permission checks) resource pools in vCenter matching the ResourcePool.FilterSpec.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::ServicesServiceApi get GET /vcenter/services/service Returns the state of a service.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::ServicesServiceApi list_details GET /vcenter/services Lists details of vCenter services.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::ServicesServiceApi restart POST /vcenter/services/service/restart Restarts a service
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::ServicesServiceApi start POST /vcenter/services/service/start Starts a service
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::ServicesServiceApi stop POST /vcenter/services/service/stop Stops a service
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::ServicesServiceApi update PATCH /vcenter/services/service Updates the properties of a service.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::StoragePoliciesApi check_compatibility POST /vcenter/storage/policies/policy?action=check-compatibility Returns datastore compatibility summary about a specific storage policy.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::StoragePoliciesApi list GET /vcenter/storage/policies Returns information about at most 1024 visible (subject to permission checks) storage solicies availabe in vCenter. These storage policies can be used for provisioning virtual machines or disks.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::StoragePoliciesComplianceApi list GET /vcenter/storage/policies/entities/compliance Returns compliance information about entities matching the filter Compliance.FilterSpec. Entities without storage policy association are not returned.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::StoragePoliciesComplianceVMApi list GET /vcenter/storage/policies/compliance/vm Returns compliance information about at most 1000 virtual machines matching the filter VM.FilterSpec. If there are no virtual machines matching the VM.FilterSpec an empty List is returned. Virtual machines without storage policy association are not returned.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::StoragePoliciesVMApi list GET /vcenter/storage/policies/policy/vm Returns information about the virtual machines and/or their virtual disks that are associated with the given storage policy.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::SystemConfigDeploymentTypeApi convert_to_vcsa_embeddedtask POST /vcenter/system-config/deployment-type?action=convert-to-vcsa-embedded&vmw-task=true Convert the type of the vCenter appliance to vCSA embedded.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::SystemConfigDeploymentTypeApi get GET /vcenter/system-config/deployment-type Get the type of the vCenter appliance.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::SystemConfigDeploymentTypeApi reconfigure POST /vcenter/system-config/deployment-type Reconfigure the type of the vCenter appliance.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::SystemConfigPscRegistrationApi get GET /vcenter/system-config/psc-registration Get information of the PSC that this appliance is registered with.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::SystemConfigPscRegistrationApi repoint POST /vcenter/system-config/psc-registration Repoint this vCenter Server appliance to a different external PSC.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::TopologyPscsApi decommissiontask POST /vcenter/topology/pscs/hostname?action=decommission&vmw-task=true Decommission the external Platform Services Controller node.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VMApi create POST /vcenter/vm Creates a virtual machine.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VMApi delete DELETE /vcenter/vm/vm Deletes a virtual machine.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VMApi get GET /vcenter/vm/vm Returns information about a virtual machine.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VMApi list GET /vcenter/vm Returns information about at most 1000 visible (subject to permission checks) virtual machines in vCenter matching the VM.FilterSpec.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VchaCapabilitiesApi get GET /vcenter/vcha/capabilities Gets the capabilities of the active node of a VCHA cluster.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VchaClusterApi deploytask POST /vcenter/vcha/cluster?action=deploy&vmw-task=true Prepares, clones, and configures a VCHA cluster.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VchaClusterApi failovertask POST /vcenter/vcha/cluster?action=failover&vmw-task=true Initiates failover from the active vCenter node to the passive node. For forced failover, Active node immediately initiates a failover. This may result into a data loss after failover. For planned failover, Active node flushes all the state to the Passive node, waits for the flush to complete before causing a failover. After the failover, Passive node starts without any data loss. A failover is allowed only in the following cases: 1. Cluster's mode is enabled and all cluster members are present. 2. Cluster's mode is maintenance and all cluster members are present.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VchaClusterApi get POST /vcenter/vcha/cluster?action=get Retrieves the status of a VCHA cluster.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VchaClusterApi undeploytask POST /vcenter/vcha/cluster?action=undeploy&vmw-task=true Destroys the VCHA cluster and removes all VCHA specific information from the VCVA appliance. Optionally, the passive and witness node virtual machines will be deleted only if VCHA was deployed using automatic deployment. The active node in the cluster continues to run as a standalone VCVA appliance after the destroy operation has been performed. If the VCHA cluster is in a transition state and not configured, then the VCHA cluster specific information is removed.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VchaClusterActiveApi get POST /vcenter/vcha/cluster/active?action=get Retrieves information about the active node of a VCHA cluster.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VchaClusterDeploymentTypeApi get GET /vcenter/vcha/cluster/deployment-type Retrieves the deployment type of a VCHA cluster.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VchaClusterModeApi get GET /vcenter/vcha/cluster/mode Retrieves the current mode of a VCHA cluster.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VchaClusterModeApi settask PUT /vcenter/vcha/cluster/mode?vmw-task=true Manipulates the mode of a VCHA Cluster. Following mode transitions are allowed: enabled -> disabled - Allowed only in healthy and degraded states. enabled -> maintenance - Allowed only in healthy state. disabled -> enabled - Allowed only in healthy state. maintenance -> enabled - Allowed only in healthy state with all nodes are running the same version. maintenance -> disabled - Allowed only in healthy state with all nodes are running the same version. All other transitions are not allowed. VCHA Cluster configuration remains intact in any of the cluster modes.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VchaClusterPassiveApi check POST /vcenter/vcha/cluster/passive?action=check Validates the specified passive node's placement configuration.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VchaClusterPassiveApi redeploytask POST /vcenter/vcha/cluster/passive?action=redeploy&vmw-task=true Creates the passive node in a degraded cluster with node location information and pre-existing VCHA cluster configuration from the active node.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VchaClusterWitnessApi check POST /vcenter/vcha/cluster/witness?action=check Validates the specified witness node's placement configuration.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VchaClusterWitnessApi redeploytask POST /vcenter/vcha/cluster/witness?action=redeploy&vmw-task=true Creates the witness node in a degraded cluster with node location information and pre-existing VCHA cluster configuration from the active node.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VchaOperationsApi get GET /vcenter/vcha/operations Retrieves the current active and disabled operations of a VCHA cluster.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VchaVcCredentialsApi validate POST /vcenter/vcha/vc-credentials?action=validate Validates the credentials of the management vCenter server of the active node of a VCHA cluster.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmGuestIdentityApi get GET /vcenter/vm/vm/guest/identity Return information about the guest.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmGuestLocalFilesystemApi get GET /vcenter/vm/vm/guest/local-filesystem Returns details of the local file systems in the guest operating system.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmGuestPowerApi get GET /vcenter/vm/vm/guest/power Returns information about the guest operating system power state.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmGuestPowerApi reboot POST /vcenter/vm/vm/guest/power?action=reboot Issues a request to the guest operating system asking it to perform a reboot. This request returns immediately and does not wait for the guest operating system to complete the operation.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmGuestPowerApi shutdown POST /vcenter/vm/vm/guest/power?action=shutdown Issues a request to the guest operating system asking it to perform a clean shutdown of all services. This request returns immediately and does not wait for the guest operating system to complete the operation.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmGuestPowerApi standby POST /vcenter/vm/vm/guest/power?action=standby Issues a request to the guest operating system asking it to perform a suspend operation.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareApi get GET /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware Returns the virtual hardware settings of a virtual machine.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareApi update PATCH /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware Updates the virtual hardware settings of a virtual machine.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareApi upgrade POST /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/action/upgrade Upgrades the virtual machine to a newer virtual hardware version.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareAdapterSataApi create POST /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/adapter/sata Adds a virtual SATA adapter to the virtual machine.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareAdapterSataApi delete DELETE /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/adapter/sata/adapter Removes a virtual SATA adapter from the virtual machine.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareAdapterSataApi get GET /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/adapter/sata/adapter Returns information about a virtual SATA adapter.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareAdapterSataApi list GET /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/adapter/sata Returns commonly used information about the virtual SATA adapters belonging to the virtual machine.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareAdapterScsiApi create POST /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/adapter/scsi Adds a virtual SCSI adapter to the virtual machine.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareAdapterScsiApi delete DELETE /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/adapter/scsi/adapter Removes a virtual SCSI adapter from the virtual machine.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareAdapterScsiApi get GET /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/adapter/scsi/adapter Returns information about a virtual SCSI adapter.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareAdapterScsiApi list GET /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/adapter/scsi Returns commonly used information about the virtual SCSI adapters belonging to the virtual machine.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareAdapterScsiApi update PATCH /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/adapter/scsi/adapter Updates the configuration of a virtual SCSI adapter.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareBootApi get GET /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/boot Returns the boot-related settings of a virtual machine.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareBootApi update PATCH /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/boot Updates the boot-related settings of a virtual machine.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareBootDeviceApi get GET /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/boot/device Returns an ordered list of boot devices for the virtual machine. If the list is empty, the virtual machine uses a default boot sequence.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareBootDeviceApi set PUT /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/boot/device Sets the virtual devices that will be used to boot the virtual machine. The virtual machine will check the devices in order, attempting to boot from each, until the virtual machine boots successfully. If the list is empty, the virtual machine will use a default boot sequence. There should be no more than one instance of Device.Entry for a given device type except ETHERNET in the list.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareCdromApi connect POST /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/cdrom/cdrom/connect Connects a virtual CD-ROM device of a powered-on virtual machine to its backing. Connecting the virtual device makes the backing accessible from the perspective of the guest operating system. For a powered-off virtual machine, the Cdrom.update operation may be used to configure the virtual CD-ROM device to start in the connected state when the virtual machine is powered on.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareCdromApi create POST /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/cdrom Adds a virtual CD-ROM device to the virtual machine.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareCdromApi delete DELETE /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/cdrom/cdrom Removes a virtual CD-ROM device from the virtual machine.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareCdromApi disconnect POST /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/cdrom/cdrom/disconnect Disconnects a virtual CD-ROM device of a powered-on virtual machine from its backing. The virtual device is still present and its backing configuration is unchanged, but from the perspective of the guest operating system, the CD-ROM device is not connected to its backing resource. For a powered-off virtual machine, the Cdrom.update operation may be used to configure the virtual CD-ROM device to start in the disconnected state when the virtual machine is powered on.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareCdromApi get GET /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/cdrom/cdrom Returns information about a virtual CD-ROM device.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareCdromApi list GET /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/cdrom Returns commonly used information about the virtual CD-ROM devices belonging to the virtual machine.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareCdromApi update PATCH /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/cdrom/cdrom Updates the configuration of a virtual CD-ROM device.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareCpuApi get GET /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/cpu Returns the CPU-related settings of a virtual machine.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareCpuApi update PATCH /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/cpu Updates the CPU-related settings of a virtual machine.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareDiskApi create POST /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/disk Adds a virtual disk to the virtual machine. While adding the virtual disk, a new VMDK file may be created or an existing VMDK file may be used to back the virtual disk.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareDiskApi delete DELETE /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/disk/disk Removes a virtual disk from the virtual machine. This operation does not destroy the VMDK file that backs the virtual disk. It only detaches the VMDK file from the virtual machine. Once detached, the VMDK file will not be destroyed when the virtual machine to which it was associated is deleted.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareDiskApi get GET /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/disk/disk Returns information about a virtual disk.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareDiskApi list GET /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/disk Returns commonly used information about the virtual disks belonging to the virtual machine.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareDiskApi update PATCH /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/disk/disk Updates the configuration of a virtual disk. An update operation can be used to detach the existing VMDK file and attach another VMDK file to the virtual machine.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareEthernetApi connect POST /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/ethernet/nic/connect Connects a virtual Ethernet adapter of a powered-on virtual machine to its backing. Connecting the virtual device makes the backing accessible from the perspective of the guest operating system. For a powered-off virtual machine, the Ethernet.update operation may be used to configure the virtual Ethernet adapter to start in the connected state when the virtual machine is powered on.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareEthernetApi create POST /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/ethernet Adds a virtual Ethernet adapter to the virtual machine.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareEthernetApi delete DELETE /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/ethernet/nic Removes a virtual Ethernet adapter from the virtual machine.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareEthernetApi disconnect POST /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/ethernet/nic/disconnect Disconnects a virtual Ethernet adapter of a powered-on virtual machine from its backing. The virtual device is still present and its backing configuration is unchanged, but from the perspective of the guest operating system, the Ethernet adapter is not connected to its backing resource. For a powered-off virtual machine, the Ethernet.update operation may be used to configure the virtual Ethernet adapter to start in the disconnected state when the virtual machine is powered on.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareEthernetApi get GET /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/ethernet/nic Returns information about a virtual Ethernet adapter.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareEthernetApi list GET /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/ethernet Returns commonly used information about the virtual Ethernet adapters belonging to the virtual machine.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareEthernetApi update PATCH /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/ethernet/nic Updates the configuration of a virtual Ethernet adapter.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareFloppyApi connect POST /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/floppy/floppy/connect Connects a virtual floppy drive of a powered-on virtual machine to its backing. Connecting the virtual device makes the backing accessible from the perspective of the guest operating system. For a powered-off virtual machine, the Floppy.update operation may be used to configure the virtual floppy drive to start in the connected state when the virtual machine is powered on.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareFloppyApi create POST /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/floppy Adds a virtual floppy drive to the virtual machine.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareFloppyApi delete DELETE /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/floppy/floppy Removes a virtual floppy drive from the virtual machine.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareFloppyApi disconnect POST /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/floppy/floppy/disconnect Disconnects a virtual floppy drive of a powered-on virtual machine from its backing. The virtual device is still present and its backing configuration is unchanged, but from the perspective of the guest operating system, the floppy drive is not connected to its backing resource. For a powered-off virtual machine, the Floppy.update operation may be used to configure the virtual floppy floppy to start in the disconnected state when the virtual machine is powered on.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareFloppyApi get GET /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/floppy/floppy Returns information about a virtual floppy drive.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareFloppyApi list GET /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/floppy Returns commonly used information about the virtual floppy drives belonging to the virtual machine.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareFloppyApi update PATCH /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/floppy/floppy Updates the configuration of a virtual floppy drive.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareMemoryApi get GET /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/memory Returns the memory-related settings of a virtual machine.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareMemoryApi update PATCH /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/memory Updates the memory-related settings of a virtual machine.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareParallelApi connect POST /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/parallel/port/connect Connects a virtual parallel port of a powered-on virtual machine to its backing. Connecting the virtual device makes the backing accessible from the perspective of the guest operating system. For a powered-off virtual machine, the Parallel.update operation may be used to configure the virtual parallel port to start in the connected state when the virtual machine is powered on.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareParallelApi create POST /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/parallel Adds a virtual parallel port to the virtual machine.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareParallelApi delete DELETE /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/parallel/port Removes a virtual parallel port from the virtual machine.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareParallelApi disconnect POST /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/parallel/port/disconnect Disconnects a virtual parallel port of a powered-on virtual machine from its backing. The virtual device is still present and its backing configuration is unchanged, but from the perspective of the guest operating system, the parallel port is not connected to its backing. For a powered-off virtual machine, the Parallel.update operation may be used to configure the virtual parallel port to start in the disconnected state when the virtual machine is powered on.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareParallelApi get GET /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/parallel/port Returns information about a virtual parallel port.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareParallelApi list GET /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/parallel Returns commonly used information about the virtual parallel ports belonging to the virtual machine.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareParallelApi update PATCH /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/parallel/port Updates the configuration of a virtual parallel port.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareSerialApi connect POST /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/serial/port/connect Connects a virtual serial port of a powered-on virtual machine to its backing. Connecting the virtual device makes the backing accessible from the perspective of the guest operating system. For a powered-off virtual machine, the Serial.update operation may be used to configure the virtual serial port to start in the connected state when the virtual machine is powered on.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareSerialApi create POST /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/serial Adds a virtual serial port to the virtual machine.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareSerialApi delete DELETE /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/serial/port Removes a virtual serial port from the virtual machine.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareSerialApi disconnect POST /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/serial/port/disconnect Disconnects a virtual serial port of a powered-on virtual machine from its backing. The virtual device is still present and its backing configuration is unchanged, but from the perspective of the guest operating system, the serial port is not connected to its backing. For a powered-off virtual machine, the Serial.update operation may be used to configure the virtual serial port to start in the disconnected state when the virtual machine is powered on.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareSerialApi get GET /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/serial/port Returns information about a virtual serial port.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareSerialApi list GET /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/serial Returns commonly used information about the virtual serial ports belonging to the virtual machine.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmHardwareSerialApi update PATCH /vcenter/vm/vm/hardware/serial/port Updates the configuration of a virtual serial port.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmPowerApi get GET /vcenter/vm/vm/power Returns the power state information of a virtual machine.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmPowerApi reset POST /vcenter/vm/vm/power/reset Resets a powered-on virtual machine.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmPowerApi start POST /vcenter/vm/vm/power/start Powers on a powered-off or suspended virtual machine.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmPowerApi stop POST /vcenter/vm/vm/power/stop Powers off a powered-on or suspended virtual machine.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmPowerApi suspend POST /vcenter/vm/vm/power/suspend Suspends a powered-on virtual machine.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmStoragePolicyApi get GET /vcenter/vm/vm/storage/policy Returns Information about Storage Policy associated with a virtual machine's home directory and/or its virtual hard disks.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmStoragePolicyApi update PATCH /vcenter/vm/vm/storage/policy Updates the storage policy configuration of a virtual machine and/or its associated virtual hard disks.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmStoragePolicyComplianceApi check POST /vcenter/vm/vm/storage/policy/compliance?action=check Returns the storage policy Compliance Compliance.Info of a virtual machine after explicitly re-computing compliance check.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmStoragePolicyComplianceApi get GET /vcenter/vm/vm/storage/policy/compliance Returns the cached storage policy compliance information of a virtual machine.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmTemplateLibraryItemsApi create POST /vcenter/vm-template/library-items Creates a library item in content library from a virtual machine. This operation creates a library item in content library whose content is a virtual machine template created from the source virtual machine, using the supplied create specification. The virtual machine template is stored in a newly created library item.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmTemplateLibraryItemsApi deploy POST /vcenter/vm-template/library-items/template_library_item?action=deploy Deploys a virtual machine as a copy of the source virtual machine template contained in the library item specified by templateLibraryItem. It uses the deployment specification in spec. If DeploySpec#poweredOn and/or DeploySpec#guestCustomization are specified, the server triggers the power on and/or guest customization operations, which are executed asynchronously.
VSphereAutomation::VCenter::VmTemplateLibraryItemsApi get GET /vcenter/vm-template/library-items/template_library_item Returns information about a virtual machine template contained in the library item specified by templateLibraryItem

Documentation for Models