
vpsFree-Client is a Ruby CLI and client library for vpsFree.cz API.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'vpsfree-client'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install vpsfree-client



$ vpsfreectl -h
Usage: haveapi-cli [options] <resource> <action> [objects ids] [-- [parameters]]
    -u, --api URL                    API URL
    -a, --auth METHOD                Authentication method
        --list-versions              List all available API versions
        --list-auth-methods [VERSION]
                                     List available authentication methods
        --list-resources [VERSION]   List all resource in API version
        --list-actions [VERSION]     List all resources and actions in API version
    -r, --raw                        Print raw response as is
    -s, --save                       Save credentials to config file for later use
    -v, --[no-]verbose               Run verbosely
    -h, --help                       Show this message


Authenticate using token and save it to config for later use:

vpsfreectl --auth token --save vps list

Show action parameters:

vpsfreectl vps create -h

List VPS:

vpsfreectl vps list

List OS templates:

vpsfreectl os_template list

Create VPS:

vpsfreectl vps create -- --hostname myvps --os-template-id 26

Delete VPS #1000:

vpsfreectl vps delete 1000

List IP addresses:

vpsfreectl vps.ip_address list

Client library

require 'vpsfree/client'

api = Vpsfree::Client.new
api.(:basic, user: 'yourname', password: 'yourpassword')

response = api.vps.index
p response.ok?
p response.response

p api.os_template.index

p api.vps.create({
  hostname: 'myvps',
  os_template_id: 26

p api.vps(1000).delete
p api.vps(1000).delete!

p api.vps.ip_address.index