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This gem simplifies the usage of VPSA API

For more information regarding the API, visit the documentation


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'vpsa'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install vpsa


Create a new instance of VPSA class passing your access token:

    client = Vpsa.new(YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN)

With the client instance, you can access the following resources:

  • Classes de Clientes (client.client_classes) Listing and finding
  • Configuração de crédito (client.installments) Saving and information
  • Contas a Receber (client.receipts) Listing and finding
  • Dados Login (client.user_data)
  • Empresas (client.companies) Listing and finding
  • Entidades (client.entities) Listing and finding
  • Histórico de Vendas (client.sales_history) *Finding and more details *
  • Lançamentos Padrões (client.default_entries) Listing and finding
  • Limite de Créditos (client.credit_limits) Listing and block history
  • Pedidos de venda (client.orders) Listing and finding
  • Provisões (client.provisions) Only Creation
  • Representantes (client.sellers) Listing and finding
  • Terceiros (client.third_parties) Listing, finding, creation, credit limit information, credit limit updating, blocking/unblocking credit

Using the resources


All resources implement a list method.

It can accept an Entity object that reflects the searchable API fields.

Currently the following entities are implemented:


All resources implement a find method.

It finds the resource with the passed ID.



Some resources implement a create method.

It creates a new resource base on the information passed via Hash.

    Vpsa.new(YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN).provisions.create({:"idLancamentoPadrao" => 3, :"idEntidade" => 1, :"idTerceiro" => 15, :"data" => "21-10-2012", :"valor" =>123.40, :"historico" => "histórico da provisão"})

Getting User Data

You can get the token owner information by calling the following method:


Reading the response

All methods return a Vpsa::Client::Response object. This object contains the following attributes:

    response = Vpsa.new(YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN).third_parties.list

    response.status            # Contains the status code of the request
    response.payload           # Contains the return data (JSON) of the request
    response.raw_response    # Contains the HTTParty response object


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/coyosoftware/vpsa/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request