Vox Pupuli Release Gem

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This is a helper Gem for the Vox Pupuli release workflow. This Gem currently serves only to encapsulate common rake tasks related to releasing modules.


Add the voxpupuli-release Gem to your Gemfile:

gem 'voxpupuli-release', git: 'https://github.com/voxpupuli/voxpupuli-release-gem'

Then, at the top of your Rakefile, add:

require 'voxpupuli-release'

To cut a new release of your module, ensure the metadata.json reflects the proper version. Also ensure that the CHANGELOG.md has a note about the release and that it actually is named Release or release, some old modules refer to it as Version, which won't work. Lastly check that no tag exists with that version number (format v#.#.#), and then run:

bundle exec rake release


This gem is licensed under the Apache-2 license.

Release information

To make a new release, please do:

  • update the version in lib/voxpupuli/release/version.rb
  • Install gems with bundle install --with release --path .vendor
  • generate the changelog with bundle exec rake changelog
  • Check if the new version matches the closed issues/PRs in the changelog
  • Create a PR with it
  • After it got merged, push a tag. GitHub Actions will do the actual release to Rubygems and GitHub Packages