The API.AI ruby gem

⚠️ This is a forked version of the official Dialogflow Ruby client. It's out-of-date, and used by Voxable for our own projects. You're welcome to use it, of course, but you likely want the official client gem.

A Ruby SDK to the natural language processing service.


gem install api-ai-ruby

Basic Usage

Just pass correct credentials to ApiAiRuby::Client constructor

client =
    :client_access_token => 'YOUR_CLIENT_ACCESS_TOKEN',

After that you can send text requests to the with command

response = client.text_request 'hello!'

And voice requests with file stream

file = 'hello.wav'
response = client.voice_request(file)

Example answer:

  :id        => "6daf5ab7-276c-43ad-a32d-bf6831918492",
  :timestamp => "2015-12-22T08:42:15.785Z",
  :result    => {
    :source        => "agent",
    :resolvedQuery => "Hello",
    :speech        => "Hi! How are you?",
    :action        => "greeting",
    :parameters    => {},
    :contexts      => [],
    :metadata      => {
      :intentId   => "a5d685ab-1f19-46b0-9478-69f794553668",
      :intentName => "hello"
  :status    => {
    :code      => 200,
    :errorType => "success"

voice_request and text_request methods returns symbolized response. Structure of response can be found at

Advanced usage

During client instantiating you can additionally set parameters like api url, request language and version (more info at,
    client_access_token: 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN',
    api_lang: 'FR',
    api_base_url: '',
    api_version: 'YYYYMMDD'

And you also can send additional data to server during request, use second parameter of text_request and voice_request methods to do that

    response = client.text_request 'Hello', :contexts => ['firstContext'], :resetContexts => true
    response = client.voice_request file, :timezone => "America/New_York"

More information about possible parameters can be found at page

Error handling

ApiAiRuby::Client currently able to raise two kind of errors: ApiAiRuby::ClientError (due to configuration mismatch) and ApiAiRuby::RequestError in case of something goes wrong during request. For both kind of errors you can get error.message (as usual) and ApiAiRuby::RequestError can additionally give you code of server error (you can get it with error.code)