Class: VORuby::STC::V1_30::Box

BoxType show all
Defined in:


A box is a rectangle; the midpoints of its sides are the endpoints of a cross centered on the center position with arms that extend half the size for each coordinate in both directions, and the sides are lines or great circles that intersect the cross at its end points at right angles; the arms of the cross are parallel to the coordinate axes at the center point.

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from BoxType

#center, #size

Attributes inherited from RegionType

#area, #coord_system_id, #note

Attributes inherited from SpatialIntervalType

#epoch, #unit

Attributes inherited from CoordIntervalType

#fill_factor, #frame_id, #hi_include, #lo_include

Attributes included from STCReference

#id, #idref, #ucd, #xlink_href, #xlink_type

Method Summary

Methods inherited from BoxType

#==, from_xml, #initialize, #to_s, #to_xml

Methods inherited from ShapeType


Methods inherited from RegionType

#==, from_xml, #initialize, region_from_xml, #to_xml

Methods inherited from SpatialIntervalType

#==, from_xml, spatial_interval_from_xml, #to_xml

Methods inherited from CoordIntervalType

#==, coord_interval_from_xml, from_xml, #hi_include?, #initialize, #lo_include?, #to_xml

Methods inherited from STCBaseType

#==, #initialize, stc_base_from_xml, #to_xml

Methods included from STCReference

#stc_reference_eq, stc_reference_from_xml, #stc_reference_to_xml

Methods included from SerializableToXml


Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from VORuby::STC::V1_30::BoxType