
A Ruby DSL for describing user interfaces. The semantics are adopted from Material Design.

A presenter generates a Presenter Object Model (POM). A POM fully describes a user interface. A POM client can fully render user interface from POM.



Or to run locally:

git clone [email protected]:rx/presenters.git
cd presenters/
bundle install

open htt://localhost:9292

To see the POM:

open htt://localhost:9292/pom

User Interface Engine

The POM + A POM Client is an interface engine.

This example downloads the POM of the index page. Then posts it to the reference web client. That result is then saved to a file and opened up with a browser.

curl localhost:9292/pom/index > $TMPDIR/index.json  && curl -d "@$TMPDIR/index.json" -X POST localhost:9292/index > $TMPDIR/index.html && open $TMPDIR/index.html


This project is in a pre-beta status. It is changing frequently as the first user interfaces are being built with it. Any use should be for internal use only until the status becomes beta.

CircleCI Maintainability License


TODO: Write usage instructions here


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/rx/presenters.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.