Google Maps Volt Component

(still a work in progress)

Provides a simple google maps integration.

First signup for a google maps api key here:

Next put it in your config/app.rb file:

config.google_maps_api_key = '....'

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'volt-google-maps'

And then execute:


Then install the component in the config/dependencies.rb file of any components you want google maps in:

component 'google-maps'

Lastly, use the google-maps tag:

  .google-map {
    height: 400px;
    width: 600px;
<div class="google-map">
  <:google-maps />

The map will take up the width of the div, so we add the style tag.

The google-map tag can be passed many attributes:

  • zoom - integer for different zoom levels
  • center - the address to center the map on
  • markers - an array of marker Models (with _address and _content)