
Disconnected from OAR job 960063

Ever been disconnected from Grid’5000 machines with a message like this, losing part or all of your work?

Vizir is a simple Ruby script that monitors your interactive jobs on Grid’5000. It triggers Growl notifications when your reservations are going to terminate, allowing you to save your work and/or your deployed environments.

Vizir only supports Mac OS X.

Getting Started

Run the following if you haven’t already:

$ gem sources -a

Install the gem:

$ sudo gem install priteau-vizir

Vizir uses HotCocoa to trigger Growl notifications. HotCocoa is shipped with Mac OS X 10.5, so it should work out of the box on Leopard.

Run Vizir in the background, using the --login switch with your Grid’5000 login name.

$ vizir --login priteau &

Getting the source

Clone it from GitHub:

$ git clone git://

Copyright © 2009 Pierre Riteau. See LICENSE for details.