
Allows encryption and signing of requests and storing encrypted data within Mongoid documents.

This gem is part of Vidibus, an open source toolset for building distributed (video) applications.


Add gem "vidibus-secure" to your Gemfile. Then call bundle install on your console.

If you want to use Vidibus::Secure::Mongoid on your models, you should generate an initializer to set an unique encryption key by calling rails generate vidibus_secure_key, also on your console.


class MyModel
  include Mongoid::Document
  include Vidibus::Secure::Mongoid

  attr_encrypted :my_secret

Defining attr_encrypted :my_secret will create setter and getter for my_secret. You can use it like normal. But it will be stored encrypted.

© 2010-2023 Andre Pankratz. See LICENSE for details.