Viaduct WebPush Ruby Client

This is a Ruby Client for the Viaduct WebPush service. The WebPush service allows you to easily provide real-time messaging to your users in their browsers.


Just add the viaduct-webpush gem to your Gemfile and run bundle to install it.

gem 'viaduct-webpush', :require => 'viaduct/webpush'


require 'viaduct/webpush'

Viaduct::WebPush.token = 'your-token'
Viaduct::WebPush.secret = 'your-secret'

# Sending a single message
Viaduct::WebPush['test-channel'].trigger('say-hello', {
  :name => 'Adam'

# Sending a message to multiple channels
Viaduct::WebPush::Channel.multi_trigger(['channel1', 'channel2'], 'say-hello', {
  :name => 'Adam'

# Generating a signature for private channels
Viaduct::WebPush::Channel.generate_signature(session_id, channel_name)