
Welcome to Vesta Gem!


First you need to install Vesta Control Panel . After that add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'vesta'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install vesta


For example, lets add new web-domain

require 'vesta'

user = 'demo'
domain = ''
ip = ''

Vesta.add_web_domain(user, domain, ip)

You can have any names for arguments, the main thing that they were in the same order.

require 'vesta'

a = 'demo'
b = ''
c = ''

Vesta.add_web_domain(a, b, c)

Methods list

Vesta.add_db(user, database, dbuser, dbpass)
Vesta.add_dns_domain(user, domain, ip)
Vesta.add_dns_on_web_alias(user, domain, alia)
Vesta.add_mail_account(user, domain, account, password)
Vesta.add_mail_account_alias(user, domain, account, alia)
Vesta.add_mail_account_reply(user, domain, account, message)
Vesta.add_mail_account_autoreplay (user, domain, account, message)
Vesta.add_mail_account_forward (user, domain, account, forward)
Vesta.add_mail_account_fwd_only (user, domain, account)
Vesta.add_mail_domain(user, domain)
Vesta.add_user (user, password, email)
Vesta.add_web_domain (user, domain, ip)
Vesta.add_web_domain_ftp (user, domain, ftp_user, ftp_pass)
Vesta.change_database_owner (detabase, user)
Vesta.change_database_password (user, database, dbpass)
Vesta.change_database_user (user, database, dbuser)
Vesta.change_domain_owner (domain, user)
Vesta.change_user_contact (user, email)
Vesta.change_user_name (user, first_name, last_name)
Vesta.change_user_password (user, password)
Vesta.change_web_domain_ip (user, domain, ip)****
Vesta.delete_database (user, database)
Vesta.delete_databases (user)
Vesta.delete_dns_domain (user, domain)
Vesta.delete_dns_domains (user)
Vesta.delete_domain (user, domain)
Vesta.delete_mail_account (user, domain, account)
Vesta.delete_mail_domain (user, domain)
Vesta.delete_mail_domains (user)
Vesta.delete_user (user)
Vesta.delete_web_domain (user, domain)
Vesta.delete_web_domains (user)
Vesta.list_cron_jobs (user)
Vesta.list_databases (user)
Vesta.list_dns_domains (user)
Vesta.list_mail_accounts (user, domain)
Vesta.list_user_domains (user)
Vesta.list_user_ips (user)
Vesta.list_web_domains (user)
Vesta.search_domain_owner (domain)
Vesta.suspend_cron_jobs (user)
Vesta.suspend_mail_account (user, domain, account)
Vesta.suspend_mail_accounts (user, domain)
Vesta.suspend_mail_domain (user, domain)
Vesta.suspend_mail_domains (user)
Vesta.suspend_user (user)
Vesta.suspend_web_domain (user, domain)
Vesta.unsuspend_cron_jobs (user)
Vesta.unsuspend_mail_account (user, domain, account)
Vesta.unsuspend_mail_accounts (user, domain)
Vesta.unsuspend_mail_domain (user, domain)
Vesta.unsuspend_mail_domains (user)
Vesta.unsuspend_user (user)
Vesta.unsuspend_web_domain (user, domain)


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release to create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


  1. Fork it ([my-github-username]/vesta/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request