
A list of libraries to work with ActiveRecord model versioning.


license: MIT

Auto (status: beta)

Duplicate on save if should_clone? returns true.

Multi (status: beta)

Hide many versions behind a single current one.

Transparent (status: alpha)

Hide versions from outside world (simulate read/writes on the node but the actions are done on the version). Uses method_missing to forward method calls.

Properties integration (status: beta)

You can get the same functionality as ‘Transparent’ by using the Property gem and storing properties in the version:

class Contact < ActiveRecord::Base
  include Versions::Multi
  has_multiple :versions

  include Property
  store_properties_in :version

  property do |p|
    p.string 'first_name', 'name'

SharedAttachment (status: alpha)

Enable file attachments linked to versions. The attachments are shared between versions and deleted when no more versions are using them.