
Simple CLI utils to talk to the vCloud Director API

These are very hacky utils that I've found handy whilst helping develop a more rich toolchain for GOV.UK:

... which in turn depend on the vcloud_director provider in Fog:

If you find any of these utilities useful, please let me know, so a sured up version can be created.

The tools


Designed to retrieve a complete entity from vCloud via the Fog request layer. Useful for seeing what is available from the raw requests, as Fog sees it (which can be slightly, or completely, different from the raw XML returned from the API).

bx vcloud-get-entity {entity} {entity_id}

entity can be 'vm', 'vApp', 'orgVdc', 'edgeGateway', etc. Or alternatively, any fog service request that takes a single ID as a parameter (eg 'get_vm_capabilities')


Wrapper around curl to use Fog credentials & vcloud-login. Very useful for getting the complete XML response from the API, for comparison against the data returned by the Fog request layer


Deletes a vApp by name or id. --force option stops the vApp first, as vCloud sensibly prevents running vApps from being deleted.


Deletes an Independent Disk by ID.


Deletes an orgVdcNetwork by ID


Attaches an independent disk to a stopped or running VM.

NB: To create a disk, see vcloud-disk_launcher Gem/tool.


Detaches an independent disk from a stopped or running VM. NB: this can cause problems within the guest OS - beware!


Start a stopped vApp by name or ID.


Stop a started vApp by name or ID.