
A Ruby client for the Vault::InvoiceBuilder HTTP API.

Setting up a development environment

Install dependencies and run the test suite:

bundle install --binstubs vendor/bin
rbenv rehash

Run tests:

rake test

See tasks:

rake -T

Generate API documentation:

rake yard

Using the client

The Vault::InvoiceBuilder API may only be accessed anonymously:

require 'vault-invoice-builder-client'

client =

For endpoints that require authentication, HTTP Basic credentials must be supplied in the URL:

client =
  'https://username:[email protected]')

Rendering an invoice.

An invoice contains customer contact and tax details, a list of apps and the charges they've incurred by consuming dyno hours and using addons, a list of charges for products the customer used directly, such as a support contract, and credits that have been applied to cover some or all of the charges on the invoice. An invoice is rendered from a receipt, a JSON representation of app and user charges and credits.

receipt = {user: '[email protected]', start_time: …, …}
html_content = client.render_html(receipt)

Storing an invoice

The store method can be used to render an invoice and then store it to S3. The same receipt JSON object is passed and an empty 200 OK response is returned if the request was successful.

receipt = {user: '[email protected]', start_time: …, …}
response =