
Provides a simple mechanism for declaring a class with complex attributes. Instances of the class can be progressively constructed in a using a block. The class is immutable outside of the block. This is useful for building simple configuration DSLs.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'value_class'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install value_class


The following class declaration allow a bicycle to be declared:

  class BikeTire
    include ValueClass::Constructable

    value_attr :diameter, description: "The diameter in inches"
    value_attr :tred,     description: "The tred on the tire"

  class BikeSeat
    include ValueClass::Constructable

    value_attr :size, description: "The size of the bike seat in inches"
    value_attr :color

  class Bicycle
    include ValueClass::Constructable

    value_description "For riding around town"
    value_attr :speeds
    value_attr :color, default: :orange
    value_attr :seat, class_name: 'BikeSeat'

    value_list_attr :riders, insert_method: :add_rider
    value_list_attr :tires, insert_method: :tire, class_name: 'BikeTire'

Given the above declarations, you can then configure a bicycle with the following code.

  bike = Bicycle.config do |bicycle|
    bicycle.speeds 10
    bicycle.color  :blue do |seat|
      seat.color :green
      seat.size  :large

You can also directly declare the class:

  bike = 10, color: :gold, tires: [{ diameter: 40, tred: :mountain }, { diameter: 50, tred: :slicks }])

If you have a simple class, ValueClass provides a replacement for ruby struct that allows for a quick class declaration.

  Gears = ValueClass.struct(:first_gear, :second_gear, :third_gear, default: 200)
  gear = 20) 

Once an instance of a class is returned. It is immutable: it is frozen and all if its attributes are frozen.

Running Tests

Tests in this gem are written in Rspec and can be executed through the main rake task for the repo

bundle exec rake

If there is a subset of tests you would like to run, you can add the focus: true tag to the test or context to only run the subset of tests.


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Make sure the tests pass: rspec spec
  6. Create a new Pull Request