Time Zone Configuration Plugin for Vagrant

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A Vagrant plugin that configures the time zone of a virtual machines.

If you want to use a specific time zone in a Vagrant VM, or if a third party base box comes with a non-standard time zone, this plugin is to the rescue. The configuration is done on vagrant up and vagrant reload actions. Note that no services are restarted automatically so they may keep using the old time zone information.


Install the plugin:

vagrant plugin install vagrant-timezone

To configure time zone for all Vagrant VMs, add the following to $HOME/.vagrant.d/Vagrantfile (or to a project specific Vagrantfile):

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
  if Vagrant.has_plugin?("vagrant-timezone")
    config.timezone.value = "UTC"
  # ... other stuff


This plugin requires Vagrant 1.2 or newer (downloads).

The plugin is supposed to be compatible with all Vagrant providers and other plugins. Please file an issue if this is not the case.

At the moment only Debian and RedHat based VMs are supported.