
Add shortcut commands to your Vagrantfile:

config.shortcuts.add(:assets) do |machine|
  machine.action(:ssh_run, ssh_run_command: <<-cmd)
    gulp assets
$ vagrant do assets


Install the gem:

$ gem install vagrant-shortcuts


Defining shortcuts

In your Vagrantfile, in a Vagrant.configure block, add any number of shortcuts. To define a shortcut called assets that precompiles all your frontend assets using the Rails asset pipeline, you might do something like:

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|

  # ...

  config.shortcuts.add(:assets) do |machine|
    machine.action(:ssh_run, ssh_run_command: <<-cmd)
      bin/rake assets:precompile

Shortcuts are defined by a name and a ruby function. The function must take one argument: a Vagrant machine. The function may do anything it wants with this machine, but common tasks include SSHing in to the box and running a command.

By default, the machine is started before the shortcut is run. This may involve fetching a base box and provisioning the machine. If you do not want to start the box by default, pass start_machine: false when adding the shortcut:

config.shortcuts.add(:assets, start_machine: False) do |machine|
  # ...

The machine can be started manually by:

machine.action(:up, {:provision_ignore_sentinel => false})

Running shortcuts

Run a shortcut from the command line using vagrant do <shortcut>. To run the example assets shortcut defined previously, run:

$ vagrant do assets


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