Vagrant Nitrous.IO Provider

This is a Vagrant 1.6+ plugin that adds an Nitrous.IO provider to Vagrant, allowing Vagrant to control and provision containers in Nitrous.IO.


  • Create and boot Nitrous.IO containers (boxes) with Vagrant.
  • SSH into Nitrous.IO containers.
  • Minimal synced folder support via rsync.
  • Provision the boxes with any built-in Vagrant provisioner


Install using standard Vagrant plugin installation methods. After installing, vagrant up and specify the nitrousio provider. An example is shown below.

$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-nitrousio


Once the provider has been installed, you will need to configure your project to use it. A sample Vagrantfile to create a container on Nitrous.IO is shown below:

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
  config.vm.hostname = 'test-box'

  config.vm.provider :nitrousio do |provider, override| = 'nitrousio'
    override.vm.box_url = '' = "HOST_SLUG" # copy the host slug from Nitrous.IO web app or CLI
    provider.username = ENV['NITROUS_USERNAME']
    provider.password = ENV['NITROUS_PASSWORD']
    provider.ssh_private_key_path = "~/.ssh/id_rsa"

    # remove this to sync your project folder on provision
    override.vm.synced_folder '.', '/vagrant', :disabled => true


Once you have configured the Vagrantfile, you can create a new container by running:

$ vagrant up --provider=nitrousio

Supported Commands

The provider supports the following Vagrant sub-commands:

  • vagrant destroy - Destroys the container.
  • vagrant ssh - Logs into the container using the default user account.
  • vagrant halt - Stops the container.
  • vagrant provision - Runs the configured provisioners and rsyncs any specified config.vm.synced_folder.


The provider exposes a few provider-specific configuration options:

  • username - Username of your Nitrous.IO account.
  • password - Password of your Nitrous.IO account.
  • host - Slug of your Nitrous.IO host (you can check this from the web app or CLI)
  • image - Set a base image for the container. This can be a path to a Docker repository. By default, all vagrant boxes will use nitrousio/vagrant-base as the image.


Networking features in the form of are not supported with vagrant-nitrousio, currently. If any of these are specified, Vagrant will emit a warning, but will otherwise boot the Nitrous.IO box.

Synced Folders

There is minimal support for synced folders. Upon vagrant up and vagrant provision, the Nitrous.IO provider will use rsync (if available) to uni-directionally sync the folder to the remote machine over SSH.

This is good enough for all built-in Vagrant provisioners (shell, chef, and puppet) to work!


Copyright (c) 2014 Nitrous, Inc. (formerly Irrational Industries Inc.) and Mitchell Hashimoto This software is licensed under the MIT License.