
This plugin allows you to run docker exec on a running container.

Known Issues

Docker exec requires Docker 1.3.0 or higher. boot2docker provided by Vagrant is version 1.2 and does not support exec, so a proxy VM is required to use this plugin until boot2docker is updated.

This plugin has been tested on Mac OS X.

Getting Started

To install the plugin, run the following command:

vagrant plugin install vagrant-docker-exec


vagrant docker-exec [options] [container] -- [command] [args]

--[no-]detach Run in the background

-t, --[no-]tty Open an interactive shell

To create a new file in a container named nginx

vagrant docker-exec nginx -- touch /var/www/html/test.html

To open an interactive shell in a conatiner named nginx

vagrant docker-exec -t nginx -- bash

To simplify opening a shell, you can use the shortcut vagrant docker-shell [container]


William Kolean [email protected]