Vagrant ArubaCloud Provider

This is a Vagrant 1.5+ plugin that adds ArubaCloud provider to Vagrant, allowing Vagrant to control and provision machine in ArubaCloud Smart IaaS Service.


  • Boot ArubaCloud instances.
  • SSH into instances.
  • Provision the instances with any built-in Vagrant provisioner.
  • Specify which datacenter you want to use.


Install using standard vagrant plugin install method, since the gem is published incentral RubyGemsrepository

$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-arubacloud


After installing the plugin (instructions above), the quickest way to get started is to actually use a dummy ArubaCloud box and specify all the details manually within a config.vm.provider block. So first, add the dummy box using any name you want:

$ vagrant box add dummy

And then make a Vagrantfile that looks like the following, filling in your information where necessary. For now, username and password must be specified as environment variables:

export AC_USERNAME=""
export AC_PASSWORD=""
Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config| = "dummy"

  config.vm.define :ubuntu do |ubuntu|
    ubuntu.ssh.username = 'root'
    ubuntu.ssh.password = 'yourstrongpassword'
    ubuntu.vm.provider :arubacloud do |ac|
      ac.arubacloud_username = ENV['AC_USERNAME']
      ac.arubacloud_password = ENV['AC_PASSWORD']
      ac.admin_password = 'yourstrongpassword'
      ac.template_id = '601'
      ac.package_id = 1

For now, the root password must be specified in this way, I will change it soon (it's horrible).

And then run vagrant up --provider=arubacloud.

This will start an Ubuntu 14.04 instance in the second Italian Datacenter (DC2-IT) within your account. And assuming your SSH information was filled in properly within your Vagrantfile, SSH and provisioning will work as well.

Note that normally a lot of this boilerplate is encoded within the box file, but the box file used for the quick start, the "dummy" box, has no preconfigured defaults.

If you have issues with SSH connecting, make sure that the instances are being launched with a security group that allows SSH access.


To work on the vagrant-arubacloud plugin, clone this repository out, and use Bundler to get the dependencies:

$ bundle

Once you have the dependencies, verify the unit tests pass with rake:

$ bundle exec rake

If those pass, you're ready to start developing the plugin. You can test the plugin without installing it into your Vagrant environment by just creating a Vagrantfile in the top level of this directory (it is gitignored) and add the following line to your Vagrantfile

Vagrant.require_plugin "vagrant-arubacloud"

Use bundler to execute Vagrant:

$ bundle exec vagrant up --provider=arubacloud