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RubyGem wrapper for the University of Waterloo OpenData API


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'uwaterlooapi'

And then run:

$ bundle


To use this gem, you must first get an API key from http://api.uwaterloo.ca/.

# Require the gem at the top of your ruby file
require 'uwaterlooapi'

# Initialize a new instance of the UWaterlooAPI
api = UWaterlooAPI.new '<your-api-key-goes-here>'

# Store an API query into a variable
current_weather = api.weather.current # '/weather/current'
uni_holidays = api.events.holidays # '/events/holidays'
info_sessions = api.terms.term(1149).infosessions # '/terms/1149/infosessions'
my_favorite_course = api.courses.subject('CS').catalog_number(247) # '/courses/CS/247'
my_favorite_course_schedule = my_favorite_course.schedule # '/courses/CS/247/schedule'

# Use the get method to manually retrieve the data and parse it

# Or it will do it automatically for you
current_weather.temperature_24hr_max_c # does the same as above
uni_holidays.each do |holiday|
  puts holiday.name
end # this will print out every holiday
uni_holidays[0].name # this will print out the first holiday

# Requests will only be performed once for each query
my_favorite_course.title # => 'Software Engineering Principles'
my_favorite_course.url # => 'http://www.ucalendar.uwaterloo.ca/1415/COURSE/course-CS.html#CS247'

# Check metadata of request
my_favorite_course_schedule.get # Retrieves data from server
if my_favorite_course_schedule.meta(:status) == 204
  puts 'The schedule for this course cannot be found!'

For details regarding all API endpoints, go here: https://github.com/uWaterloo/api-documentation


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new pull request