Module: Sup

Defined in:


TODO: check git status for added un-tracked files

Defined Under Namespace

Modules: Api, Differ Classes: Project

Constant Summary collapse

UtSup Client v.#{VERSION}
by Nick Merwin (Lemur Heavy Industries)

=== Examples:
  sup setup

  cd /some-project/ && sup init
  sup in "whatup"
  sup "just chillin"
  sup out "later"

=== Commands:

  help                      # show this message
  version                   # show version

  setup <api_key>           # initializes global config file, if no api_key specified, will let you login

  init <project name>       # initilize current directory

  "<message>"               # send status update for current project
  nm                        # destroy your last supdate

  (no command)              # get all user's current status
  all                       # get all user's statuses over the past day

  in "<message>"            # check in to project
  out "<message>"           # check out of project

  users                     # get list of users in company
  <user name>               # get last day's worth of status updates from specified user

  push                      # triggers a git push + update

  start                     # starts differ
  stop                      # stops differ