
Uspec is a shiny little testing framework for your apps!

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Philosophy / Why Uspec?

Uspec is just Ruby!

Unlike other testing frameworks there's no need for special matchers, there can only be one assertion per test, and you never have to worry that your tests lack assertions.

That's because when the spec block is evaluated the return value is used (in a very ruby-like way) to determine if the test has passed or failed. Standard Ruby comparisons are your friend! No more digging around in your test framework's documentation to figure out what matcher you're supposed to use. This also means no monkey patching core classes!

Uspec's output is in beautiful ansi technicolor, with red for failures, green for successes, and yellow for pending specs. Here's a screenshot:


Uspec is tiny, painless, and easy to use. Download it and give it a try!


Uspec is just Ruby. The DSL is minimal - there's only one method to remember!

Writing a spec is easy:

spec 'AwesomeMcCoolname.generate creates a cool name' do
  AwesomeMcCoolname.generate.include? 'Cool'

That's it!


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'uspec'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it directly with:

$ gem install uspec


  1. Create a uspec directory to keep your specs in.
  2. Name your specs ending with _spec.rb.
  3. Write some specs in Ruby using the spec method (example above).
  4. Use the included uspec executable to run your specs.

Hint: A lot of people also put require_relative 'spec_helper' at the top of their test files for sharing code between tests.

Commandline Usage

$ uspec --help
uspec - minimalistic ruby testing framework
usage: uspec [<file_or_path>...]
  • Without arguments the uspec command will automatially look for a uspec directory and load any *_spec.rb files inside them.
  • You can also pass in arbitrary files and it will attempt to run them as specs.
  • If you pass in directories uspec will scan for and run any specs inside them.
  • Uspec will return the number of failures as its status code to the commandline, 0 if none.


A brief explanation of uspec's output to show you what it can do!


If a spec passes (returns true):

 -- AwesomeMcCoolname.generate creates a cool name: true


If a spec fails (returns false):

 -- AwesomeMcCoolname.generate creates a cool name: false


If the spec encounters an error (raises an Exception):

 -- AwesomeMcCoolname.generate creates a cool name: Exception

    Encountered an Exception while running spec
    in spec at uspec/awesome_mc_coolname_spec.rb:3: in `<main>'

    RuntimeError < StandardError: 'wtf'

    /Users/Dude/Projects/Awesome/lib/awesome_mc_coolname.rb:18:in `explode'
    uspec/awesome_mc_coolname_spec.rb:4:in `block in <main>'

Non-boolean values

If you create a spec that doesn't return a boolean value (nil doesn't count either!) like this:

spec 'AwesomeMcCoolname.generate creates a cool name' do
  AwesomeMcCoolname.generate =~ /Badass/

Then Uspec will let you know so you can debug it:

 -- AwesomeMcCoolname.generate creates a badass name: Failed

    Spec did not return a boolean value
    in spec at uspec/awesome_mc_coolname_spec.rb:6: in `<main>'

    Integer < Numeric: 5


If you aren't ready to fill out a spec, maybe as a reminder to add functionality later, just leave off the block and it will be marked as pending:

spec 'a feature I have not implemented yet'

When you run the test Uspec will helpfully display:

 -- a feature I have not implemented yet: pending

Tips & Tricks

Because there's no matchers and only one method there's no need for specialized reference documentation, but here are some ideas to get you going!

String matching

Instead of =~ (which returns either an Integer index or nil) Ruby has the nifty include? method, which returns a boolean:

spec 'AwesomeMcCoolname.generate creates a cool name' do
  AwesomeMcCoolname.generate.include? 'Badass'

Regex matching

If you really need to regex, you can always use Ruby's !! idiom to coerce a boolean out of any result, but its more precise to specify the index if you know it. And you can always toss in an || to drop in more information if a comparison fails too:

spec 'AwesomeMcCoolname.generate creates a cool name' do
  index = AwesomeMcCoolname.generate =~ /Badass/
  index == 0 || index


What if you want to test that an error has occured? Just use Ruby!

spec 'calling AwesomeMcCoolname.awesomeness without specifying the awesomeness level should explode' do
  rescue ArgumentError => error
    error.message.include?("Needs awesomeness level!") || raise

If there's no error, then Uspec will see the result of the method call (whatever it might be). If the wrong Exception is raised, then because of reraising (by just calling raise without parameters), Ruby will dutifully pass along the error for Uspec to display.

Mocks, Spies, Stubs, and More!

Since uspec is a very straight forward testing utility it is easy to use any of the standard Ruby mocking frameworks with it. However, the Impasta gem was made specifically for simple but comprehensive mocking, stubbing, and spying.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


Anthony M. Cook 2013-2021