
Code Climate


To save user based settings to redis, retrieve them and delete them.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'user_settings'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install user_settings


The gem requires a Redis object to be passed for configuration as it stores the key:value in Redis


Create an initializer with configuration

  require 'user_settings'

  UserSettings.configure do |c|

    redis ={ host: "", port: 6379, db: 0 })

    c.redis_options = {redis_connection: redis} # Set the redis instance
    c.base_path = 'my_custom_base_path/'        # Set a custom base path. 'usettings/' is default
    c.route_drawer = MyCustomClass              # See UserSettings::RouteDrawers::Default
    c.expiration_time = 2.months                # Change the expiration time. 3.months is default

Redis could also be configured by setting the redis_options like

  { host: 'localhost', port: 6379, db: 1 }

The default routes are

  get_user_settings GET    /usettings/:key(.:format) user_settings#show
  set_user_settings POST   /usettings/:key(.:format) user_settings#create
  set_once_user_settings PUT    /usettings/:key(.:format) user_settings#create_once
  remove_user_settings DELETE /usettings/:key(.:format) user_settings#destroy

The storage is with respect to user and requires a conventional @current_user object with an attribute id present. :|

2 JavaScripts are to be included in the layout

For the main javascript file. You might want to add this to the config.assets.precompile in production.rb

  <%= javascript_include_tag_for_user_settings %>

The user settings are to be initialized with your custom settings in places where you would use it

  <%= init_user_settings %>

How to use ?

The JavaScript used Promises and jQuery's Deferred which emulates Promises. Need to think about this more!

To get a key

    then(function(d) {
      // The response will have
      // - success -> which is either true or false
      // - value  -> value of the key if the success is true
    fail(function(f) {
      // The response will have
      // - status -> 401 if unauthorized

To Set a key with a Value

    set('test', 'two').
    then(function(d) {
      // The response will have
      // - success -> which is either true or false
      // - value  -> "OK" if success is true
    fail(function(f) {
      // The response will have
      // - status -> 401 if unauthorized

To Set a key with a Value ONCE

    setOnce('test', 'two').
    then(function(d) {
      // The response will have
      // - success -> which is either true or false. It is true if the set is for the first time
      // - value  -> "OK" if success is true
    fail(function(f) {
      // The response will have
      // - status -> 401 if unauthorized

To Remove a key:value

    then(function(d) {
      // There will not be any call to then !!
    fail(function(f) {
      // The response will have
      // - status -> 401 if unauthorized


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  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request